Why do we Celebrate Guru Purnima?


Why do we celebrate Guru Purnima?

In the beautiful Indian tradition, the full moon day of the Ashadha period is Guru Purnima. This year, we will celebrate Guru Purnima on July 3, Monday. But why do we celebrate it?

According to the legends, Ved Vyas, the sage who penned The Mahabharat, was born on this day to Satyavati and Sage Parashar. He was a great scholar who gave the world four beautiful texts: the Rig Veda, Yajur Ved, Sam Ved, and Atharva Ved. And we offer our gratitude to Sage Ved Vyas on this day.
Folklore also says that Lord Shiva commenced the teachings of yoga to the Saptarishis on this day, and Guru Purnima is a way to revere Him.
The day, therefore, is of great importance in India as it continues to celebrate the Guru-Shishya tradition since times immemorial.
On this day, one must visit their Guru, offer obeisance, renew the pledge of discipleship and self-awakening and seek His blessings for another 365 days of holistic living filled with Divine Grace, good health and prosperity.


The Astrological Significance of Guru Purnima 2023

This year, the auspicious  Devotees celebrate Guru Purnima  on Monday, July 3rd. The Purnima Tithi will start  from 8:21 p.m. on July 2, 2023, till 5:08 p.m. on July 3, 2023. This specific time period has important astrological significance.

It is the full moon day in the Shukla Paksha of the Aashaadha month. During this time, the Moon stays in the house of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. It also stays in the Purvashadha Nakshatra, which is ruled by Venus. This positioning of the moon has an important holistic impact on an individual’s body, especially their mind and heart.

Not only that ,Jupiter (Lord Brihaspati) is said to be the Guru of all Gods and devotees regard them as the planet of wisdom. Devotees believe  that the unique positioning of the planet, the moon and the earth works as a catalyst for a disciple seeking God-realization and salvation. Guru is also the one who eradicates darkness and spreads the light of divine wisdom not only in his disciple’s life but all around. Thus, the tradition of worshipping The Guru on this day has been given great importance in Hinduism since ancient times. Disciples and students express their gratitude towards their Gurus, God, and teachers on this day in different ways. It is also a practice to seek live Darshan of your Guru on this day.

On the other hand, people  also believe  that astrologically during this auspicious time the Gurus radiate stronger positivity and divine grace all around them that can be absorbed by the disciple who has prepared himself for this day. The positive energy from the Guru enhances the moral, physical, spiritual, and materialistic growth of the disciple. Thus, recognize the significance of this day and seek darshan of your Guru and offer your gratitude too.


What are some Dos and Don’ts of Guru Purnima?

Likewise, A Guru always has a special place in the life of every person. Without a Guru, no one can attain any kind of knowledge.
Therefore, we celebrate and revere our Guru on Guru Purnima and also follow certain dos and don’ts.


On this day, one should  wake up early in the morning and take a holy bath in the Ganges or with The Holy Water from The Ganges.
Visit Guru Dham and seek His blessings. If you are unable to do so then worship the idol of your Guru or their symbol at home. Meditate and chant the Guru Mantra. Donate yellow grains, yellow sweets, or yellow clothes to the needy


Do not get lethargic on the day. Stay away from Tamasic activities and food. Do not disrespect your Guru. Do not sit in front of your Guru in a disrespectful manner. Never deviate from or disobey the teachings of your Guru,



What are the rituals that are performed on Guru Purnima?
A Guru has the same importance in a disciple’s life as Lord Brahma, Vishnu, or Mahesh.
And the day of Guru Purnima is dedicated to being grateful to our spiritual Guru who guides us.


Some Guru Purnima rituals are:

• In addition , One should visit the abode of the Guru and seeking His blessings
•  Moreover ,Listening to the Guru’s wise words in Satsang
• Chanting or reciting mantras related to Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva and worshipping them
• One must chant  the Guru mantra
•  Furthermore ,one should perform Guru Purnima worship by offering prayers at the holy feet of The Guru.
•  Equally important ,Meditating under the guidance of the Guru.
•  Likewise ,Seek forgiveness for sins committed over the past year and renew vows of discipleship for another year.
• Perform Mangal Guru Aarti.
• Take a pledge to do one act of kindness every day.


What is the significance of Lord Vishnu on Guru Purnima?

Well, Lord Vishnu is the Lord of sustenance. He is the source of divine grace.
On Guru Purnima, disciples, seekers, and devotees worship Lord Vishnu as well. They recite Vishnu Sahasranamam  Stotram to bring auspiciousness to life.
Devotees of  Ved Vyas regard him as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and  devotees celebrate Guru Purnima on his birthday, so they revere Lord Vishnu on this special day











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Top 5 Reasons to Give What You Have | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Top 5 Reasons to Give What You Have

‘ When you learn, teach. When you get, give.’ 

Maya Angelou

For the majority of mankind, winters mean putting on beautiful woolen clothes, lying in warm rooms, and having hot beverages. But for people on the streets, it’s a constant fight with the ruthless weather and a brutal question of survival.

Unsurprisingly, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)’s recent data reflects a nerve-wracking trend. It shows that cold waves killed more Indians than heatwaves since 1980. Moreover, according to IMD, many North Indian cities, including Delhi, are continually witnessing ‘severe cold’ days as the minimum temperature sometimes drops to 4 degrees Celsius. Certainly, the coming few days (Dec-Jan) would be really struggling for a large number of street dwellers.

Can we do something about it? 

We usually say that hundreds and thousands of people die of cold every year, but we don’t understand that they die because they don’t have blankets and woolen clothes. 

Needless to say that we can bring a difference in their life effortlessly.

We can offer blankets directly to the needy by visiting their area or shelter homes (night shelters) or we can consult the organizations that are involved in social work. Giving in itself is a divine virtue and it ultimately leads to many nice outcomes.

Top Five Reasons to Give

  1. The Small Gesture of ‘Giving’ Has a Big Impact

While discussing the sufferings of the underprivileged, many people feel profound sorrow and think that there is nothing we can do about the situation as we are not rich. 

But here, you don’t need to be a millionaire to make a significant difference in someone’s life. 

Search and you will find many opportunities wherein you can offer a meager amount and offer help to someone who is struggling to survive during the winter season.

  1. 1.Giving Can Save Lives

Winter mortality is a problem that can be easily solved through warm blankets. Timely interventions can break the cycle of winter deaths. 

You can buy blankets yourself and distribute them among the needy or you may share your warmth through the organizations that run drives to help the people on the streets.

Your small offering can really save someone’s life.

  1. Giving Brings Happiness

Giving to others is directly linked with an increased sense of contentment and happiness. Many kinds of research have proved that. 

Experience the pleasure of giving by seeing your money being utilized for a noble cause.

  1. Let’s Make a Healthy World for All 

There is no better gift than offering blankets to the needy during the harsh winter season. Millions of street dwellers experience the bitterness of winter and fall sick. This year, a pandemic has made their situation even more challenging.

A simple blanket can keep them healthy all through the season and this is the right time to serve humanity by donating blankets. 

There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than ensuring good health for those who really need care.

  1. Realize That You Care

Life can get really busy sometimes and we forget to show our gratitude for everything given to us by the Almighty. 

Moreover, due to various indulgences, we hardly get a chance to experience our own caring spirit.

So, whenever you get a chance, just give and see how rewarding it is for you. 

Blanket Donation Drive by Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Every winter, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM), under the guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi organizes blanket donation drives across India. 

The idea is to provide good quality blankets to underprivileged people living on the streets. 

Anyone who wants to be a part of the noble drive can get in touch with VJM and experience the pleasure of giving.

Come, be a part of the drive!