Realizing the ultimate truth is Meditation | World Meditation Day | Sudhanshu ji Maharaj

Realizing the ultimate truth is Meditation

Realizing the ultimate truth is Meditation

His Holiness Sudhanshu ji Maharaj !

Meditation is a science of moving inwards. It is a timeless practice dating back thousands of years, offering a profound pathway to inner peace and a state of enlightenment, ultimately leading to ecstasy. Once you are there in a state of no mind, there is no stress, anxiety, fear or distractions. Meditation is a technique to train the mind and induce a state of heightened awareness to reduce stress for enhancing focus and emotional resilience. As we gradually, step by step, delve onto meditation’s science, techniques and practical applications, we uncover its transformative potentional to nurture a harmonious relationship between mind, body and soul.

Now, the question arises, how to reach this state of nomind (A-mann). Follow the following steps and you can successfully reach the state of divine bliss.

Choose a cozy, uncrowded area to relax and be alone, use dim lighting seating and minimal distractions to ensure a relaxing atmosphere. You can use cushions or blankets to support your posture.

Sit comfortably with your spine up right and relaxed. You can sit cross-legged on the floor, in a chair with your feet flat, or even down if uncomfortable. Rest your hands on your knees or legs, palms facing upward or downward, whichever feels natural.

Close your eyes or soften your gaze and focus on your breath, watch your breath sensations, such as the rise and fall in your chest or airflow through your nose. Let the breath flow naturally, don’t try to force it.

When your thoughts continue to wander, let them do so, but gently guide them back to the present moment you breathe. Observe the thoughts, emotions and experiences that rise objectively, allow them to dissipate like the clouds in the sky.

Conduct a body scan by watching different parts of the body, starting from your toes and moving upward to your head. With each exhale, pay attention to any area of tension or discomfort and let them soften or release.

If you find it difficult to watch your breathe, you can chant a mantra silently, visualize on sounds as a focal front. Repeat a word or phrase silently to yourself, imagine a beautiful scene or listen to the calming music or natural sounds like of the birds.

Practice acceptance and non-attachment to your experience during meditation. If you face thoughts or emotions that arise, acknowledge them without being attached to them and gently return your focus to your chosen anchor.

With increasing experience, you can progressively prolong your meditation sessions from 5 to 10 minutes. Aim to meditate regularly almost daily, to experience the cumulative benefits over time. Decide a schedule and duration that can work for you and commit to making meditation a part of your routine.


When you decide to conclude your meditation session, gently return your attention to your immediate environment. Breathe deeply for a moment, move your fingers and toes and then gradually open your eyes. Take a moment to reflect on your experience and carry the sense of calm and presence onto your life.

It is very important to remember that meditation is a regular practice and that shifts in concentration regular. Be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate your meditation journey. Celebrate small victories and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. (These steps have been explained by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in Bhagwadgita in Chapter 6 from Shlokas 10-20).

In brief by following these steps faithfully, you will reach or pass through three stages to automatically capture the fourth stage of pure consciousness.

First step:-

Observe all your activities, your body and its related activities. Just remain a witness to all happenings.

Second step:-

When you have become capable to watching your body and its activities, watch the activities of your mind – thoughts, dreams, and imaginations. Just be a witness. As if you are standing by the side of the road. You are not part of it. Just be a pure witness without any judgement, good or bad. No evaluation being done. This is the state of no mind.

Third step:-

Now watch subtle emotions, moods – a certain shadow of sadness and joy.

First is concerned with the body, second with the mind and third with the soul.

When you become capable of watching the third, the fourth happens on its own. Then you are at the very centre of your being. And this is the moment of the ultimate ecstasy, enlightenment, Samadhi. You may give this state any name but this is ultimate truth.

This is the very end of the inner journey. This realization of thyself is realization of the truth, the divine, the God. Meditation leads you to this stage.

ध्यान से पूर्व प्राणायाम जरूरी : डा. अर्चिका दीदी

ध्यान से पूर्व प्राणायाम जरूरी : डा. अर्चिका दीदी

विश्व जागृति मिशन सत्संग समिति की ओर से विश्व योग दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में आयोजित योग-ध्यान शिविर में योगविद् डा. अर्चिका दीदी ने श्वास लेने और श्वास छोड़ने की क्रिया से प्राण हमारे शरीर में प्रवाहित होता है। उन्होंने कहा कि पतंजलि संविता शास्त्र में श्वसन को शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य का वर्धक दर्शाया है। ध्यान के साधक बैठने की मुद्रा पर अधिकार प्राप्त करने के अगले चरण में श्वसन पर ही अधिकार का अभ्यास करते हैं ।



ध्यान व योग से आती है सकारात्मक ऊर्जा – सुधांशु महाराज

ध्यान व योग से आती है सकारात्मक ऊर्जा – सुधांशु महाराज

सुंदरनगर में आयोजित विराट सत्संग के अंतिम दिन वही ज्ञान की गंगा

विश्व जागृति मिशन के संस्थापक व संत शिरोमणि सुधांशु महाराज ने कहा कि ध्यान एवं योग के माध्यम से जीवन में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा को प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। उन्होंने परमात्मा के निकट जाने के मार्ग प्रशस्त किए। उन्होंने कहा कि गुरु का आगमन से जीवन धन्य हो जाता है और सारे कष्ट कलेश दूर होते हैं। उन्होंने भक्तों को पूजन के लिए विविध नियम और आसन भी बताए।


Why Manali Online Offline Meditation Retreat is important for all?

Manali Meditation Retreat

With this fast-paced and constantly distracting lifestyle, people have started to degrees from the ideologies of inner peace. online meditation

From constant competition in our professional sphere to the challenges imposed by the dynamic world, our minds are in a constant turmoil of tension, stress, and depression which are depleting your energy force and internal peace. 

To help you get yourself out of this constant despair, we at Manali Meditation Retreat help you to awaken the ultimate internal energy and shield you from the negative forces of the world. We help you to find a way to quiet your mind and soul, which will allow you to concentrate on your inner self and befriend it. 

Intensive Meditation Sessions at Manali Meditation Retreat 

At Manali Meditation Retreat, we provide a number of different methods and modes of meditation to help you purify your mind and body from any kind of suffering and pain. Here are a few cleansing kriyas  we provide to the weary souls that come to our abode: 

  • Healing Sessions 

With the power of pranayama combined with meditation, we can help you unlock your inner strength and help you heal your mind and body. 

  • Yogic Kriyas 

Our highly experienced and knowledgeable gurus help you indulge in yogic practices that have been passed down by the most enlightened beings and can help you absorb the spiritual energy around you. 

  • Mangal Yatra

The path that is walked by a guru leads you to the ultimate source of bliss and enchantment, and we provide you an opportunity to take one such walk, which is filled with extraordinary experiences. This is what we call the Mangal Yatra. 

  • Panchkarma

A collection of 5 body-cleansing and healing treatments, the Panchkarma is an extraordinary session that will help you remove physical toxins and impurities from your body. Based on the studies and principles of Ayurveda, it will help you rejuvenate yourself and cleanse your internal organs from the root. 

  • Yajna 

No soul can be totally cleaned without any divine blessing. Yajna is a ritual wherein our gurus pray to the Lord for your soul’s cleansing and to bring you closer to God’s blessings. 

  • Q&A Sessions 

If you have any doubts or questions about this vast spiritual journey, our   all of them with a dedicated Q&A session. You can get a chance to interact with divine souls like Dr. Archika Didi and HH Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Programs at Manali Meditation Retreat 

At the Manali Meditation Retreat, we provide you with 2 distinct and equally important programs in which you should definitely participate: 

Laghu Chandrayan Tap Sadhna 

Due to countless rebirths and cyclical life, each soul is a victim of the wrath of karmic retribution. All your past deeds, in this life and the previous ones, account for the pain and suffering you feel. 

With our Laghu Chandrayan Tap Sadhna, we can liberate you from this never-ending cycle and help you wash away all your sins in the Holy River of Penance. You will experience the state of deep meditation and Tapasya with an awakened Guru, which will purify your mind, body, and soul. 

5-day Meditation Retreat in Manali 

While it is quicker to wash away your sins, it takes a lot of work and dedicated effort to fully awaken your inner strength. To help you with that, we provide a 5-day meditation retreat program where you are guided through our various Intensive Meditation Sessions for over 5 days under the guidance of our awakened Gurus. 

Unleash Your Inner Strength at the Manali Meditation Retreat 

All your sins and sufferings can be washed off with the help of inner strength, and we at Manali Meditation Retreat are dedicated to helping any weary traveler who seeks it. With our intensive meditation sessions and cleansing treatments, our awakened Gurus will help you find the path to unlimited bliss. 

So, if you are motivated to walk on this path, Click  here to subscribe to our programs. 

Online Meditation Camp by Sudhanshuji Maharaj

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