कम्बल वितरण अभियान में आपकी भागीदारी का सामाजिक प्रभाव

Blanket Donation Drive 2025

कम्बल वितरण अभियान में आपका योगदान क्या मायने रखता है?

जैसे-जैसे सर्दियां बढ़ती है, ठंडी हवाएं केवल ठिठुरन ही नहीं लातीं; यह उन असंख्य जरूरतमंदों के लिए कठिनाई भी लाती है जो बुनियादी आवश्यकताओं से वंचित हैं।

जब हम में से कई अपने घरों में सर्दियों का आनंद लेते हैं, वहीं कुछ लोग केवल जीवित रहने के लिए कड़ा संघर्ष कर रहे होते हैं।

ऐसे जरुरतमंद लोगों के लिए एक साधारण कंबल ही जीवन और मृत्यु का प्रश्न होता है।

पिछले 15 वर्षों से, विश्व जागृति मिशन, परम श्रद्धेय सुधांशु जी महाराज और डॉ. अर्चिका दीदी जी के करुणामयी नेतृत्व में, अपने कंबल वितरण अभियान के माध्यम से ठंड से जूझ रहे लोगों को राहत प्रदान कर रहा है।

इस अभियान के केवल एक उद्देश्य है; कड़ाके की ठण्ड में हज़ारों लोगों को सही समय पर जरुरी मदद मुहैया कराना।

हमारे देश में, विशेषकर के बड़े शहरों में, लाखों लोग सड़क पर दो जून की रोटी भर ही कमा पाते हैं। एक गर्म कम्बल उनके लिए विलासिता की वस्तु हो जाती है जिसे वो खरीद नहीं पाते हैं।

इस अभियान की कोशिश होती है कि उनको कष्ट से मुक्ति मिले और वो एक गरिमामय जीवन यापन कर सकें।

सर्दियों से संघर्ष


blanket donation for poor

कल्पना कीजिए कि बिना किसी आश्रय के सर्द रात का सामना करना कैसा होता होगा। कई बेघर व्यक्तियों, प्रवासी मजदूरों और गरीब परिवारों के लिए यह कोई काल्पनिक स्थिति नहीं है; यह उनकी कठोर वास्तविकता है।

भीषण ठंड की लहरें असंख्य जिंदगियों को प्रभावित करती हैं, जिससे बीमारियां और कष्ट बढ़ जाते हैं। कंबल जैसी बुनियादी चीजों की कमी उनके जीवित रहने के संघर्ष को और बढ़ा देती है।

कष्ट से मुक्ति का मिशन

kambal vitaran abhiyan vishwa jagriti mission

इस साल, 1 जनवरी 2025 को आनंद धाम आश्रम, नई दिल्ली में, विश्व जागृति मिशन अपना वार्षिक कंबल वितरण अभियान आयोजित कर रहा है।

यहाँ से यह एक देशव्यापी कार्यक्रम में बदलता है जिसमें विश्व जागृति मिशन के मंडल, जो भारत के कई राज्यों में कार्य कर रहे हैं, कम्बल वितरण करते हैं।

इस पहल का उद्देश्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि कोई भी व्यक्ति ठिठुरन भरी सर्दियों का अकेले सामना न करे। आपके सहयोग से, यह मिशन उन लोगों तक उम्मीद और आराम पहुंचाने का प्रयास कर रहा है जिन्हें इसकी सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत है।

आपका योगदान क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?

एक न्यूनतम आर्थिक सहयोग से आप किसी जरूरतमंद को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला कंबल प्रदान कर सकते हैं।

हर कंबल ठंड से बचाने का एक आवश्यक साधन है, जो एक कठोर सर्द रात को आरामदायक मौसम में बदल सकता है। किसी को जीवन दे सकता है।

आपका दान उन परिवारों और विशेषकर के छोटे बच्चों लिए जीवन रेखा है जिन्हे ठण्ड से त्वरित सुरक्षा  की जरूरत है।

कंबल दान क्यों करें?


जीवन रक्षक: हर साल, भीषण ठंड कई जिंदगियां छीन लेती है।

वेबसाइट www.statista.com के अनुसार  ठंड के संपर्क में आने से 2022 में पूरे भारत में लगभग 720 मौतें हुईं, जो पिछले वर्ष दर्ज की गई कुल 618 मौतों से अधिक है। पिछले दशक में, देश भर में ठंड के कारण सबसे अधिक मौतें 2015 में हुईं।

केवल एक कंबल ठण्ड की ऐसी विभीषिका के खिलाफ ढाल का काम करता है।

मानवता का एक संकेत: शारीरिक आराम से परे, आपका दान करुणा व्यक्त करने का माध्यम है। यह छोटी सी मदद जरूरतमंदों को याद दिलाता है कि समाज उनका भी ध्यान रखता है।

स्थायी प्रभाव: एक साधारण कंबल स्थायी बदलाव लाता है। कठिनाइयों का सामना कर रहे लोगों को गरिमा और उम्मीद प्रदान करता है।

आपकी उदारता से कौन लाभान्वित होते हैं?

गरीब और हाशिए पर रहने वाले

अत्यधिक गरीबी में रहने वाले परिवारों के लिए, कंबल केवल आराम नहीं बल्कि एक आवश्यकता है। यह आवश्यक सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है, जिससे वे ठंड के मौसम का सामना गरिमा के साथ कर पाते हैं। आपका योगदान उन्हें बिना कष्ट के सर्दी का मौसम झेलने का मौका देता है।

बेघर और प्रवासी मजदूर

बेघर व्यक्ति और प्रवासी मजदूर सर्दियों के दौरान खुद को सबसे अधिक कमजोर महसूस करते हैं। एक घर के बिना, वे गंभीर स्वास्थ्य सम्बंधित जोखिमों का सामना करते हैं। कंबल का दान न केवल आवश्यक गर्मी प्रदान करता है बल्कि जरूरतमंदों के प्रति दया और का संदेश भी देता है।

गुरुकुल के छात्र

गुरुकुलों में अध्ययन करने वाले युवा छात्र अक्सर न्यूनतम संसाधनों के साथ साधारण आवास में रहते हैं। आपका दान यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि ये छात्र, जो अपना जीवन सीखने और आध्यात्मिक विकास के लिए समर्पित करते हैं, ठंड से परेशान हुए बिना अपने अध्ययन पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें।

आदिवासी समुदाय

दूरस्थ क्षेत्रों में रहने वाले हमारे आदिवासी भाई-बहन अक्सर ठंड के खिलाफ पर्याप्त सुरक्षा से रहित होते हैं। उनके आवास पर्याप्त सुरक्षा प्रदान नहीं कर पाते हैं, जिससे वे ठंड से संबंधित स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से जूझते हैं। इन समुदायों को कंबल दान करना उनके कल्याण के लिए आवश्यक पहल है।

वृद्धाश्रमों के बुजुर्ग

कंबल दान वृद्धाश्रमों के बुजुर्गों के लिए बेहद सहायक होता है। ठंड के मौसम में यह उन्हें गर्माहट और सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है। कंबल से उनकी सेहत सुधरती है और ठंड से जुड़ी बीमारियों का खतरा कम होता है।

यह दान उन्हें स्नेह और सम्मान का अनुभव कराता है।

इस नेक कार्य का हिस्सा बनें

इस नए साल पर, आपके पास एक सार्थक कदम उठाने का अवसर है। विश्व जागृति मिशन के साथ मिलकर, आप उन लोगों को आराम और सुरक्षा प्रदान करने में मदद कर सकते हैं जो ठंड से लड़ रहे हैं। हर दान मायने रखता है, और हर कंबल उम्मीद फैलाने की दिशा में एक कदम है।

कैसे सहयोग करें

ऑनलाइन दान करें: दान करने के लिए विश्व जागृति मिशन की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।

संदेश फैलाएं: इस नेक काम को अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ साझा करें ताकि इसका प्रभाव बढ़ सके।

स्वयंसेवा करें: कंबल वितरण अभियान में भाग लें और दूसरों के लिए आपके प्रयासों से मिलने वाली खुशी को स्वयं देखें।

आइये साथ मिलकर, सर्दियों में राहत कार्य में अपना सहयोग दें

सर्दी कई लोगों के लिए उत्सव का समय है, लेकिन हज़ारों लोगों के लिए यह जीवित रहने का संघर्ष है। मदद का हाथ बढ़ाकर, आप केवल कंबल ही नहीं दान कर रहे—आप उम्मीद, दया और मानवता का सन्देश दे रहे हैं।

विश्व जागृति मिशन के कंबल वितरण अभियान से जुड़ें और किसी जरूरतमंद के लिए इस सर्दी को थोड़ा आरामदायक बनाएं।

आइए इस मौसम को करुणा का उत्सव बनाएं क्योंकि आपका छोटा सा दान किसी के लिए बहुत महत्व रखता है।


Donate Blanket for Underprivileged

A Divine Act: The Gift of Warmth | Blanket Donation

The gift of warmth in the biting chill of winter

A Divine Act: The Gift of Warmth

In the biting chill of winter, when the world is cloaked in frost, a simple act of kindness can radiate warmth, both physical and spiritual. Donating blankets, clothing, or other warm items is not merely a charitable act; it’s a divine gesture that echoes the universal message of compassion and care.

By sharing warmth, we extend a lifeline to those who are shivering in the cold, offering solace and comfort. It’s a tangible expression of empathy, a bridge that connects us to our fellow beings, transcending boundaries of race, religion, and social status.

The act of giving warms not only the recipient but also the giver. It ignites a spark of joy and fulfillment within our hearts, reminding us of the profound impact of human kindness. As we share our warmth, we also share a piece of ourselves, making the world a more compassionate and caring place.

So, let us embrace the spirit of giving and spread warmth, not just in winter, but throughout the year. By sharing our blessings, we not only help others but also enrich our own lives.

Donate a Blanket for underprivileged

The Power of Donating Just One Blanket | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

The Power of a Blanket


The Power of Donating Just One Blanket

The winter season is a comforting and warm time for us.

We enjoy these days by making our homes warm, wearing woollen clothes, and sleeping in soft blankets.

But the season is not like that for hundreds and thousands of people: those who are migrant labourers, those who are homeless, and those who can’t afford a good blanket.

These harsh winters weaken their spirit to live, and even before they weaken their body.

The freezing cold is not just a discomfort—it’s a life-threatening challenge for them.

Yet, amidst these struggles, a simple act of kindness can create a ripple of hope.

Blanket donation is a small yet impactful way to bring comfort and protection to those enduring the unforgiving cold.

Why donating a simple blanket matters


why donate blanket

A single blanket can make a monumental difference in someone’s life.

When you donate blankets to the poor, you offer more than just warmth; you offer survival, health, and dignity.

For homeless individuals braving the winter nights, a blanket becomes their shield against freezing temperatures, respiratory infections, and other winter-related illnesses.

Moreover, donating blankets is a tangible expression of kindness—a reminder to the underprivileged that society has not forgotten them.

It provides a sense of social security and solidarity that is invaluable during tough times.

Needless to say, donating just one blanket in the winter is really a powerful gesture that can save a life.

Blanket Donation Initiatives by Vishwa Jagriti Mission


Blanket donation initiative by Vishwa jagriti mission

Every year, in response to the chilling needs of the season, Vishwa Jagriti Mission comes forward to conduct blanket donation drives.

One of the key events, in which blankets will be distributed among the needy, will be held on 1st January 2025 at Anand Dham Ashram, New Delhi.

Under the guidance of His Holiness Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi Ji, many such events will be held across India through various Mandals (branches) of VJM.

These drives aim to donate blankets to the underprivileged and ensure that no one is left to fight the winter alone.

How Your Contribution Helps

Joining a blanket donation initiative means saving lives.

Each blanket you contribute:

  • Ensures survival for the homeless.
  • Protects individuals from respiratory infections.
  • Alleviates distress caused by extreme cold.
  • Gives the needy a sense of belonging and care.
  • Upholds the dignity of those facing hardships.

By contributing a small amount for a single blanket, you can help provide warmth and hope to those who need it most.

Come, Spread the Warmth

So, this winter, let your kindness be a source of warmth for those facing the freezing cold.

Your effort to give blankets to charity can protect lives.

The Blanket Donation Drive for the Homeless by Vishwa Jagriti Mission is an excellent opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

Your contribution not only spreads warmth but also sends a powerful message of empathy and solidarity.

Join the Mission


Blanket distribution drive


Together, we can bring smiles to the faces of those in need. The best charity to donate a blanket is the one that resonates with your values and ensures your contribution reaches those who need it most.

And Vishwa Jagriti Mission has been organising these drives for the past 20 years.

Donate blankets to Save Lives today and be the cover of hope that helps poor and needy people survive the winter with dignity.

A single blanket might seem small, but its impact is immeasurable.

Let’s join hands to spread warmth, compassion, and hope this winter.

So, realise the power of one blanket and start your new year with a show of compassion.

Come forward to donate a blanket to the homeless and the needy and be a part of this life-saving mission!

Donate here 👇

Kanya Atmnirbhar Abhiyan | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Where there’s a WILL, there’s a WAY to HELP the NEEDY in winters

WAY to HELP the NEEDY in winters


WAY to HELP the NEEDY in winters

The winter season has kicked in. While many people have the comfort of cozying into that warm blanket or quilt, there are many homeless and poor people in the city, who struggle really hard to just survive in this cruel time of the year. Night shelters for the homeless come as a relief to many in big cities yet, they are hardly enough, considering a large number of the needy.

A large number of homeless spend their winter nights out on the streets without blankets or woolen clothes and sometimes without food. And the whole night is a battle of survival for such people that some win and some lose.

Can we help these people survive the chilly winds? Of course, we can! All we need is some will.

Here’s what can be done to support the poor & homeless who sleep under flyovers and footpaths.

1. Donating Blankets

Warm blankets are a much-needed essential for a whole lot of deprived people. You can arrange some blankets and donate them to shelter homes, temples, NGOs, and charities that are running blanket donation programs.

A few social service organizations have come forward for the noble cause.

For over a decade, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM), under the gracious guidance of HH Sudhanshu ji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi Ji, is also carrying out a blanket distribution drive so that the needy can have their share of warmth during the winters.

This year also, blankets will be distributed to poor destitute people on New Year Day, 1st January.

Anyone can participate in the blanket distribution drive by gifting a meager amount to give the needy a well-needed touch of warmth amidst the cruel winters..

2. Offer ‘life-savers’ lying uselessly in your cupboards

We all have that sweaters and jackets we haven’t worn in many years. They are lying uselessly in a corner of the cupboard. Let’s give it to someone who’s in dire need of such clothes. These clothes are not less than life-savers for them.

3. Arrange a humble hot beverage/food camp

In the chilling weather, a small cup of hot beverage, like tea, works as a great relief. You can plan to organize a ‘tea camp’ in your vicinity where underprivileged people would be living. If you want you can also arrange a food camp or support any social service organization organizing such camps regularly.

Remember, even a modest gesture of warmth boosts the morale of the destitute. They don’t need more. If even 100 people in a city with a population of Crores will come forward, it will bring relief of warmth to the lives of thousands of deprived people.

Let’s be the ‘one’ among the 100.

4. Spread awareness about organizations helping the needy in winters

Many organizations and NGOs offer winter-care support, like warm clothes donation, to the needy for free. Inform the needy people around your locality about such organizations and help them in taking care of their wellbeing during the winter season.

5. Offering groceries

There are people out there who could barely manage basic meals in winters because of low mobility. This winter, donating groceries can be a noble idea. You can arrange oil, spices, Atta, rice, biscuits or anything that you want even in a small quantity for 50-100 needy people. It will give them relief in winters.

So, there are many ways to help the needy in winters. All you need is a little will.

This winter, be a little generous and give a touch of warmth to those who desperately need it in order to live on.

Happy giving!

They Need our Love, Care & Support | Balkalyan Yojana, Vishwa Jagriti Mission

They Need our Love, Care & Support

They Need our Love, Care & Support 

The notion of family and the presence of love in it are wonderful gifts from God. Love brings hope with it and it gives the courage to deal with challenges in life. And a family plays a powerful role in the overall growth of a child. But what about those children who have to live without any family? 

These children are at risk since they have lost one or both parents to violence, sickness, age, or some other tragic incidence. Their future depends only on their willpower and survival instinct. In a few cases, orphaned kids find support from shelter homes, but a majority of them end up living on the streets and facing unimaginable tragedies. These children need our love, care, and support. Can we do something for them? Is adoption the only way?

In fact, there could be many ways to provide these kids with support (other than adoption).

You May Sponsor, Volunteer and Donate Your Time

Adoption is certainly not the only way to help vulnerable children; sponsorship is also one of the ways. Families can sponsor orphans making it possible for them to receive clothing, food, medical care, education, and other essential amenities.  

Moreover, many social service organizations are working in India for this purpose. Search for volunteer opportunities with them. You can help them by giving professional advice regarding outreach activities, donation events, or by donating your time for some administrative work in their offices. Many child care institutions do not have a sufficient number of caregivers. You may work for them with VJM Balkalyan Yojana.

Protect Kids From Harm or Teach Them

Children are meant to be at school and not on the streets. Ensure that their rights are respected in your area and they don’t get involved in child labor. You can empower the marginalized kids through workshops so that they can raise their voice against harassment and abuse.

You can also help children acquire understanding about their learning skills because it is true that even the most marginalized girls and boys can learn if provided with the opportunity. You may help them reach organizations that provide early and basic education for street children.

Offer Monetary Help, If You Can

Social service organizations are often in need of money to carry out different welfare programs for such children. You can donate one-time money or offer donations on a yearly basis. You may also direct your money to a particular area of need, such as food, medical care or education. Look out for charities helping orphans in India, you will get many, but be cautious.

When donating directly to institutions stay alert and verify astutely how your donation will be used. Trustworthy organizations take good care of children and hold their orphanages accountable. Donate to one of such institutions for the real impact.

Ask Your Friends and Relatives to Involve in Caring Activities

There is no problem if you are unable to save money for donations. There are still other ways you can bring a difference to the life of needy children. Talk to your family, friends, and colleagues, and tell them that you want to help orphans. You may motivate them to take part in initiatives for helping them. Any meager help through you can change the life of a helpless child.

Vishwa Jagriti Mission and Care for Kids

Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM), under the guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi, has adopted many vulnerable kids as they are the ‘Children of God’ (Devdoot)

It is our supreme duty to share whatever we have in the form of food, education, and clothing and let them live a simple yet good life.

VJM is running a public school in Jharkhand’s violence-prone region, Khunti to teach tribal children whose lives have been devastated due to conflicts. Many children are getting prepared here to lead a decent life through a good education.

In Surat (Gujarat) and Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), VJM runs ‘Devdoot Bal Ashram’ to ensure comfort and care for vulnerable kids. Here, they get free food, housing, and education. Now children from this Ashram are excelling in the fields of education and sports. This proves the importance of ‘support’ in the life of marginalized children.

Furthermore, in Faridabad, VJM’s Gyandeep School is teaching underprivileged children, many of whom were collecting garbage earlier. They get education, food, and housing for free here.

Final Thoughts

Remember, children living without any family are actually hanging by a thin thread and need small support to become a good citizen.  If you can, offer your love, care, and support for such children. Support organizations that are working for them, teach such children, or motivate fellow men to offer help to them. They are ‘Children of God’ and they deserve a civilized life.

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Top 5 Reasons to Give What You Have | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Top 5 Reasons to Give What You Have

‘ When you learn, teach. When you get, give.’ 

Maya Angelou

For the majority of mankind, winters mean putting on beautiful woolen clothes, lying in warm rooms, and having hot beverages. But for people on the streets, it’s a constant fight with the ruthless weather and a brutal question of survival.

Unsurprisingly, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)’s recent data reflects a nerve-wracking trend. It shows that cold waves killed more Indians than heatwaves since 1980. Moreover, according to IMD, many North Indian cities, including Delhi, are continually witnessing ‘severe cold’ days as the minimum temperature sometimes drops to 4 degrees Celsius. Certainly, the coming few days (Dec-Jan) would be really struggling for a large number of street dwellers.

Can we do something about it? 

We usually say that hundreds and thousands of people die of cold every year, but we don’t understand that they die because they don’t have blankets and woolen clothes. 

Needless to say that we can bring a difference in their life effortlessly.

We can offer blankets directly to the needy by visiting their area or shelter homes (night shelters) or we can consult the organizations that are involved in social work. Giving in itself is a divine virtue and it ultimately leads to many nice outcomes.

Top Five Reasons to Give

  1. The Small Gesture of ‘Giving’ Has a Big Impact

While discussing the sufferings of the underprivileged, many people feel profound sorrow and think that there is nothing we can do about the situation as we are not rich. 

But here, you don’t need to be a millionaire to make a significant difference in someone’s life. 

Search and you will find many opportunities wherein you can offer a meager amount and offer help to someone who is struggling to survive during the winter season.

  1. 1.Giving Can Save Lives

Winter mortality is a problem that can be easily solved through warm blankets. Timely interventions can break the cycle of winter deaths. 

You can buy blankets yourself and distribute them among the needy or you may share your warmth through the organizations that run drives to help the people on the streets.

Your small offering can really save someone’s life.

  1. Giving Brings Happiness

Giving to others is directly linked with an increased sense of contentment and happiness. Many kinds of research have proved that. 

Experience the pleasure of giving by seeing your money being utilized for a noble cause.

  1. Let’s Make a Healthy World for All 

There is no better gift than offering blankets to the needy during the harsh winter season. Millions of street dwellers experience the bitterness of winter and fall sick. This year, a pandemic has made their situation even more challenging.

A simple blanket can keep them healthy all through the season and this is the right time to serve humanity by donating blankets. 

There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than ensuring good health for those who really need care.

  1. Realize That You Care

Life can get really busy sometimes and we forget to show our gratitude for everything given to us by the Almighty. 

Moreover, due to various indulgences, we hardly get a chance to experience our own caring spirit.

So, whenever you get a chance, just give and see how rewarding it is for you. 

Blanket Donation Drive by Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Every winter, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM), under the guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi organizes blanket donation drives across India. 

The idea is to provide good quality blankets to underprivileged people living on the streets. 

Anyone who wants to be a part of the noble drive can get in touch with VJM and experience the pleasure of giving.

Come, be a part of the drive!