कम्बल वितरण अभियान में आपकी भागीदारी का सामाजिक प्रभाव

Blanket Donation Drive 2025

कम्बल वितरण अभियान में आपका योगदान क्या मायने रखता है?

जैसे-जैसे सर्दियां बढ़ती है, ठंडी हवाएं केवल ठिठुरन ही नहीं लातीं; यह उन असंख्य जरूरतमंदों के लिए कठिनाई भी लाती है जो बुनियादी आवश्यकताओं से वंचित हैं।

जब हम में से कई अपने घरों में सर्दियों का आनंद लेते हैं, वहीं कुछ लोग केवल जीवित रहने के लिए कड़ा संघर्ष कर रहे होते हैं।

ऐसे जरुरतमंद लोगों के लिए एक साधारण कंबल ही जीवन और मृत्यु का प्रश्न होता है।

पिछले 15 वर्षों से, विश्व जागृति मिशन, परम श्रद्धेय सुधांशु जी महाराज और डॉ. अर्चिका दीदी जी के करुणामयी नेतृत्व में, अपने कंबल वितरण अभियान के माध्यम से ठंड से जूझ रहे लोगों को राहत प्रदान कर रहा है।

इस अभियान के केवल एक उद्देश्य है; कड़ाके की ठण्ड में हज़ारों लोगों को सही समय पर जरुरी मदद मुहैया कराना।

हमारे देश में, विशेषकर के बड़े शहरों में, लाखों लोग सड़क पर दो जून की रोटी भर ही कमा पाते हैं। एक गर्म कम्बल उनके लिए विलासिता की वस्तु हो जाती है जिसे वो खरीद नहीं पाते हैं।

इस अभियान की कोशिश होती है कि उनको कष्ट से मुक्ति मिले और वो एक गरिमामय जीवन यापन कर सकें।

सर्दियों से संघर्ष


blanket donation for poor

कल्पना कीजिए कि बिना किसी आश्रय के सर्द रात का सामना करना कैसा होता होगा। कई बेघर व्यक्तियों, प्रवासी मजदूरों और गरीब परिवारों के लिए यह कोई काल्पनिक स्थिति नहीं है; यह उनकी कठोर वास्तविकता है।

भीषण ठंड की लहरें असंख्य जिंदगियों को प्रभावित करती हैं, जिससे बीमारियां और कष्ट बढ़ जाते हैं। कंबल जैसी बुनियादी चीजों की कमी उनके जीवित रहने के संघर्ष को और बढ़ा देती है।

कष्ट से मुक्ति का मिशन

kambal vitaran abhiyan vishwa jagriti mission

इस साल, 1 जनवरी 2025 को आनंद धाम आश्रम, नई दिल्ली में, विश्व जागृति मिशन अपना वार्षिक कंबल वितरण अभियान आयोजित कर रहा है।

यहाँ से यह एक देशव्यापी कार्यक्रम में बदलता है जिसमें विश्व जागृति मिशन के मंडल, जो भारत के कई राज्यों में कार्य कर रहे हैं, कम्बल वितरण करते हैं।

इस पहल का उद्देश्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि कोई भी व्यक्ति ठिठुरन भरी सर्दियों का अकेले सामना न करे। आपके सहयोग से, यह मिशन उन लोगों तक उम्मीद और आराम पहुंचाने का प्रयास कर रहा है जिन्हें इसकी सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत है।

आपका योगदान क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?

एक न्यूनतम आर्थिक सहयोग से आप किसी जरूरतमंद को उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला कंबल प्रदान कर सकते हैं।

हर कंबल ठंड से बचाने का एक आवश्यक साधन है, जो एक कठोर सर्द रात को आरामदायक मौसम में बदल सकता है। किसी को जीवन दे सकता है।

आपका दान उन परिवारों और विशेषकर के छोटे बच्चों लिए जीवन रेखा है जिन्हे ठण्ड से त्वरित सुरक्षा  की जरूरत है।

कंबल दान क्यों करें?


जीवन रक्षक: हर साल, भीषण ठंड कई जिंदगियां छीन लेती है।

वेबसाइट www.statista.com के अनुसार  ठंड के संपर्क में आने से 2022 में पूरे भारत में लगभग 720 मौतें हुईं, जो पिछले वर्ष दर्ज की गई कुल 618 मौतों से अधिक है। पिछले दशक में, देश भर में ठंड के कारण सबसे अधिक मौतें 2015 में हुईं।

केवल एक कंबल ठण्ड की ऐसी विभीषिका के खिलाफ ढाल का काम करता है।

मानवता का एक संकेत: शारीरिक आराम से परे, आपका दान करुणा व्यक्त करने का माध्यम है। यह छोटी सी मदद जरूरतमंदों को याद दिलाता है कि समाज उनका भी ध्यान रखता है।

स्थायी प्रभाव: एक साधारण कंबल स्थायी बदलाव लाता है। कठिनाइयों का सामना कर रहे लोगों को गरिमा और उम्मीद प्रदान करता है।

आपकी उदारता से कौन लाभान्वित होते हैं?

गरीब और हाशिए पर रहने वाले

अत्यधिक गरीबी में रहने वाले परिवारों के लिए, कंबल केवल आराम नहीं बल्कि एक आवश्यकता है। यह आवश्यक सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है, जिससे वे ठंड के मौसम का सामना गरिमा के साथ कर पाते हैं। आपका योगदान उन्हें बिना कष्ट के सर्दी का मौसम झेलने का मौका देता है।

बेघर और प्रवासी मजदूर

बेघर व्यक्ति और प्रवासी मजदूर सर्दियों के दौरान खुद को सबसे अधिक कमजोर महसूस करते हैं। एक घर के बिना, वे गंभीर स्वास्थ्य सम्बंधित जोखिमों का सामना करते हैं। कंबल का दान न केवल आवश्यक गर्मी प्रदान करता है बल्कि जरूरतमंदों के प्रति दया और का संदेश भी देता है।

गुरुकुल के छात्र

गुरुकुलों में अध्ययन करने वाले युवा छात्र अक्सर न्यूनतम संसाधनों के साथ साधारण आवास में रहते हैं। आपका दान यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि ये छात्र, जो अपना जीवन सीखने और आध्यात्मिक विकास के लिए समर्पित करते हैं, ठंड से परेशान हुए बिना अपने अध्ययन पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें।

आदिवासी समुदाय

दूरस्थ क्षेत्रों में रहने वाले हमारे आदिवासी भाई-बहन अक्सर ठंड के खिलाफ पर्याप्त सुरक्षा से रहित होते हैं। उनके आवास पर्याप्त सुरक्षा प्रदान नहीं कर पाते हैं, जिससे वे ठंड से संबंधित स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से जूझते हैं। इन समुदायों को कंबल दान करना उनके कल्याण के लिए आवश्यक पहल है।

वृद्धाश्रमों के बुजुर्ग

कंबल दान वृद्धाश्रमों के बुजुर्गों के लिए बेहद सहायक होता है। ठंड के मौसम में यह उन्हें गर्माहट और सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है। कंबल से उनकी सेहत सुधरती है और ठंड से जुड़ी बीमारियों का खतरा कम होता है।

यह दान उन्हें स्नेह और सम्मान का अनुभव कराता है।

इस नेक कार्य का हिस्सा बनें

इस नए साल पर, आपके पास एक सार्थक कदम उठाने का अवसर है। विश्व जागृति मिशन के साथ मिलकर, आप उन लोगों को आराम और सुरक्षा प्रदान करने में मदद कर सकते हैं जो ठंड से लड़ रहे हैं। हर दान मायने रखता है, और हर कंबल उम्मीद फैलाने की दिशा में एक कदम है।

कैसे सहयोग करें

ऑनलाइन दान करें: दान करने के लिए विश्व जागृति मिशन की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।

संदेश फैलाएं: इस नेक काम को अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ साझा करें ताकि इसका प्रभाव बढ़ सके।

स्वयंसेवा करें: कंबल वितरण अभियान में भाग लें और दूसरों के लिए आपके प्रयासों से मिलने वाली खुशी को स्वयं देखें।

आइये साथ मिलकर, सर्दियों में राहत कार्य में अपना सहयोग दें

सर्दी कई लोगों के लिए उत्सव का समय है, लेकिन हज़ारों लोगों के लिए यह जीवित रहने का संघर्ष है। मदद का हाथ बढ़ाकर, आप केवल कंबल ही नहीं दान कर रहे—आप उम्मीद, दया और मानवता का सन्देश दे रहे हैं।

विश्व जागृति मिशन के कंबल वितरण अभियान से जुड़ें और किसी जरूरतमंद के लिए इस सर्दी को थोड़ा आरामदायक बनाएं।

आइए इस मौसम को करुणा का उत्सव बनाएं क्योंकि आपका छोटा सा दान किसी के लिए बहुत महत्व रखता है।


Donate Blanket for Underprivileged

Warm Hearts, Warm Bodies: The Power of Blanket Donations


Warm Hearts Warm Bodies The Power of Blanket Donations

Winter can be a harsh season, especially for those who are less fortunate. A simple act of kindness, such as donating blankets, can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

Why Donate Blankets?

Stay Warm, Stay Healthy: Blankets provide essential warmth, helping to prevent hypothermia and other cold-related illnesses.

Comfort and Security: A warm blanket can offer comfort and security, especially for those who are homeless or living in inadequate housing.

Community Impact: Donating blankets can strengthen community bonds and foster a sense of compassion and care.

How to Donate Blankets?

You may donate new blankets or funds to purchase blankets to Vishwa Jagriti Mission during the winter months. For details see below.

Tips for Effective Blanket Donations:

  • Cleanliness: Ensure that donated blankets are clean and free of stains or odors.
  • Warmth: Opt for blankets made of warm materials like wool, fleece, or microfiber.
  • Size: Consider donating blankets of various sizes to accommodate different needs.
  • Durability: Choose durable blankets that can withstand frequent use.

By donating blankets, you can help make a positive impact on the lives of those who are less fortunate. Let’s come together to spread warmth and compassion this winter.

Donate Blanket for Underprivileged


Donate through UPI

Vishwa jagriti mission donation QR

A Divine Act: The Gift of Warmth | Blanket Donation

The gift of warmth in the biting chill of winter

A Divine Act: The Gift of Warmth

In the biting chill of winter, when the world is cloaked in frost, a simple act of kindness can radiate warmth, both physical and spiritual. Donating blankets, clothing, or other warm items is not merely a charitable act; it’s a divine gesture that echoes the universal message of compassion and care.

By sharing warmth, we extend a lifeline to those who are shivering in the cold, offering solace and comfort. It’s a tangible expression of empathy, a bridge that connects us to our fellow beings, transcending boundaries of race, religion, and social status.

The act of giving warms not only the recipient but also the giver. It ignites a spark of joy and fulfillment within our hearts, reminding us of the profound impact of human kindness. As we share our warmth, we also share a piece of ourselves, making the world a more compassionate and caring place.

So, let us embrace the spirit of giving and spread warmth, not just in winter, but throughout the year. By sharing our blessings, we not only help others but also enrich our own lives.

Donate a Blanket for underprivileged

The Power of Donating Just One Blanket | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

The Power of a Blanket


The Power of Donating Just One Blanket

The winter season is a comforting and warm time for us.

We enjoy these days by making our homes warm, wearing woollen clothes, and sleeping in soft blankets.

But the season is not like that for hundreds and thousands of people: those who are migrant labourers, those who are homeless, and those who can’t afford a good blanket.

These harsh winters weaken their spirit to live, and even before they weaken their body.

The freezing cold is not just a discomfort—it’s a life-threatening challenge for them.

Yet, amidst these struggles, a simple act of kindness can create a ripple of hope.

Blanket donation is a small yet impactful way to bring comfort and protection to those enduring the unforgiving cold.

Why donating a simple blanket matters


why donate blanket

A single blanket can make a monumental difference in someone’s life.

When you donate blankets to the poor, you offer more than just warmth; you offer survival, health, and dignity.

For homeless individuals braving the winter nights, a blanket becomes their shield against freezing temperatures, respiratory infections, and other winter-related illnesses.

Moreover, donating blankets is a tangible expression of kindness—a reminder to the underprivileged that society has not forgotten them.

It provides a sense of social security and solidarity that is invaluable during tough times.

Needless to say, donating just one blanket in the winter is really a powerful gesture that can save a life.

Blanket Donation Initiatives by Vishwa Jagriti Mission


Blanket donation initiative by Vishwa jagriti mission

Every year, in response to the chilling needs of the season, Vishwa Jagriti Mission comes forward to conduct blanket donation drives.

One of the key events, in which blankets will be distributed among the needy, will be held on 1st January 2025 at Anand Dham Ashram, New Delhi.

Under the guidance of His Holiness Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi Ji, many such events will be held across India through various Mandals (branches) of VJM.

These drives aim to donate blankets to the underprivileged and ensure that no one is left to fight the winter alone.

How Your Contribution Helps

Joining a blanket donation initiative means saving lives.

Each blanket you contribute:

  • Ensures survival for the homeless.
  • Protects individuals from respiratory infections.
  • Alleviates distress caused by extreme cold.
  • Gives the needy a sense of belonging and care.
  • Upholds the dignity of those facing hardships.

By contributing a small amount for a single blanket, you can help provide warmth and hope to those who need it most.

Come, Spread the Warmth

So, this winter, let your kindness be a source of warmth for those facing the freezing cold.

Your effort to give blankets to charity can protect lives.

The Blanket Donation Drive for the Homeless by Vishwa Jagriti Mission is an excellent opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

Your contribution not only spreads warmth but also sends a powerful message of empathy and solidarity.

Join the Mission


Blanket distribution drive


Together, we can bring smiles to the faces of those in need. The best charity to donate a blanket is the one that resonates with your values and ensures your contribution reaches those who need it most.

And Vishwa Jagriti Mission has been organising these drives for the past 20 years.

Donate blankets to Save Lives today and be the cover of hope that helps poor and needy people survive the winter with dignity.

A single blanket might seem small, but its impact is immeasurable.

Let’s join hands to spread warmth, compassion, and hope this winter.

So, realise the power of one blanket and start your new year with a show of compassion.

Come forward to donate a blanket to the homeless and the needy and be a part of this life-saving mission!

Donate here 👇

Kanya Atmnirbhar Abhiyan | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

This Diwali, feel the joy of giving | Feed the hungry, receive the blessings

This Diwali, Feel the Joy of Giving

Diwali, the festival of lights, is also an opportunity to share our blessings with the needy. It is the occasion to participate in noble causes and seek blessings from God.

When we give selflessly, we not only bring happiness to those who need it most but also receive the blessings of Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi for health, happiness, and prosperity.

And for that matter, in the festive season, nothing is nobler than feeding the hungry. Because on Diwali, while we light up our homes, feast on delicious food, and share gifts, it’s essential to remember those who struggle to fulfil fundamental needs like food.

Therefore, this Diwali, experience the joy of sharing by feeding the hungry.

Immerse Yourself in the True Spirit of Diwali

Diwali signifies the triumph of light over darkness and righteousness over evil.

We celebrate the festival by lighting earthen lamps and decorating homes, yet the true essence of the festival lies in uplifting others. It reminds us that the joy we receive from giving is far greater than enjoying it alone.

Feeding the hungry is a powerful way to honour the festival’s deeper meaning and spread light in the lives of the needy by removing the darkness of hunger and poverty.

The Darkness of Hunger

Despite the abundance of food and resources available around them, hunger remains a disturbing reality for a large number of people. Just because they can’t afford it.

While many of us enjoy delicious food during Diwali, countless children go to bed hungry, unable to afford even a single meal.

By contributing a small amount, we can help alleviate their suffering to some extent and make a meaningful impact on their lives during this festive season.

The impact of feeding the hungry

Food is a basic necessity for survival, but for many, it remains a luxury.

By feeding the hungry, we give them the strength to face another day and the hope for a better future.

This simple yet profound gesture carries deep spiritual significance, as our Sanatan culture emphasize the importance of sharing food and helping those in need.

During Diwali, feeding the hungry symbolizes removing the darkness of suffering and hunger from their lives, replacing it with the light of nourishment and hope.

How can you feed the hungry during festive season?

While you engage in making this festive season joyful, take a moment to spread the joy among those who need your kindness.

You can do it easily.

Annadaan on Diwali

Sharing food symbolizes prosperity. And donating food on Diwali is a tradition rooted in the festival’s essence of sharing and caring for others.

Extend your kindness to the less fortunate, ensuring everyone can enjoy the festivities regardless of their circumstances. As Annadaan is considered to be Mahadaan, it is equivalent to offering food to God. The act of Annadaan is a selfless service, which helps you develop kindness towards all.

By performing Annadaan, you can purify your karma and receive the blessings of the poor.

Joining VJM’s Mid-day meal programs

Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) runs mid-day meal programs for all the children who are studying at its schools and Gurukuls across India.

You are welcome to join Project Mid-day Meal, where you can sponsor a one-time meal for our school children for a minimum period of one year.

For as little as INR 4000–10,000, you can feed a student in our school, helping him or her complete education without facing classroom hunger.

Your small contribution has the power to bring about a better academic situation for poor and marginalised children at VJM institutions.

Distributing gift packets among Gurukul students

On Diwali, you can gift Gurukul Rishi Kumar’s the goodness of nutrition.

These children come from challenging socio-economic backgrounds, yet their willpower to pursue Vedic education and achieve their dreams defeats all the hurdles.

You can fill your day with genuine joy and contentment by distributing food packets among them.

This Diwali, make a choice for gifting a meal and enhance your festive joy

Make Diwali 2024 a memorable one for yourself and your loved ones. Here are some ways you can brighten up a child’s life with nutrition and health:

So, come multiply the joy of Diwali by ensuring nutritious food for school children.

Let’s bring smiles to their faces for making this festive season special for them and for ourselves.

Happy Diwali!

Assisting Women and Girls to Stitch their Dream of Financial Independence

kaushal vikas kendra vishwa jagriti mission


From Education to Employment

VJM’s Skill Development Centre: Stitching Together the Dream of Financial Independence for Young Girls.

In India, the journey from education to employment, especially for young girls, remains full of challenges.

Even in today’s progressive times, many girls continue to face societal barriers that limit their access to education and opportunities for economic independence.

Societal pressure, financial problems, and gender bias often result in girls being pulled out of school at a young age, leaving them vulnerable and dependent.

The result?

A vicious cycle of poverty and disempowerment that is hard to break.

Yet, there is hope.

Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) is actively working to uplift underprivileged girls and women through various initiatives aimed at bridging the gap between education and employment.

One such initiative is Anand Dham Kaushal Vikas Kendra in Faridabad, India.

It is a state-of-the-art skill development centre not only equips needy girls with vocational skills but also prepares them for a life of self-reliance and dignity.

The centre runs with the help of donations and contributions from kind-hearted people who want to give it back to society.

And VJM leaves no stone unturned to run the centre successfully.

The efforts include sensitizing needy women and girls about the availability of such a skill centre in the city that provides useful training without any financial burden on them.

And here’s how the centre does that.

Identifying Out-of-School Girls

identifying out of school girls

The first step in the success of this initiative is identifying young girls who have fallen out of the educational system.

The girls who are often left behind due to financial struggles or household responsibilities are the key focus of VJM.

The mission reaches out to families and engages with parents to pinpoint where help is needed the most.
The aim is to bring these girls back into the fold of learning through vocational training.

Encouraging and mobilising families

Once the girls are identified, VJM focuses on the second challenge: persuading families to support their daughters’ education and job aspirations.

Many families are hesitant to let their daughters pursue further education or work outside the home.

VJM understands this challenge and addresses it by meeting with families, explaining the benefits of vocational training, and showcasing real-life success stories.

They work to create a support system around the needy girls.

Providing the Best Facilities to Motivate Families

To make vocational training beneficial, the skill development centre offers state-of-the-art facilities.

The centre is equipped with the latest tools and equipment, ensuring that the girls receive hands-on training in a variety of fields, such as stitching, tailoring, beauty care, and computer skills.

The infrastructure plays a crucial role in motivating families to allow their daughters to join the programs.

Efficient Staff and Volunteers

Efficient staff - Kaushal Vikas Kendra

An initiative of this magnitude requires a team of dedicated and efficient staff members who are not only experts in their fields but also deeply invested in the cause.

VJM hires trained professionals who can impart the necessary skills and also brings on board volunteers who share the vision of empowering young girls.

This collective effort ensures that the girls receive high-quality training and mentorship.

Vocational Training and Job Readiness

The vocational training provided at the Kaushal Vikas Kendra is designed to ensure that each girl is job-ready by the time she completes the course.

Whether it’s through skill development in sewing, computer and IT, or beauty & wellness, the training is tailored to meet the current market demands.

Additionally, girls are trained in soft skills such as communication, professionalism, and time management, which are crucial for succeeding in any workplace.

PMKVY Certification

PMKVY Certification

To enhance the employability of these trainees, the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) certification is awarded upon completion of their training.

This government-backed certification is widely recognized across industries, giving these girls a competitive edge when applying for jobs or further educational opportunities.

Assistance with Loans, Jobs, and Further Education

The project doesn’t end with training and certification. VJM actively helps these girls secure loans to start their own small businesses, find job placements, or even pursue further education.

The goal is to make them financially independent, capable of contributing to their families and communities.

And this is how VJM’s Kaushal Vikas Kendra is breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence that traps so many young girls.

By providing education, vocational training, and employment support, the mission is stitching together a brighter, more independent future for countless young women.

This approach is a light of hope, offering not just a path to financial independence but also to personal dignity and empowerment.

Come forward, be a part of this initiative

The skill development centre runs on donations from individuals and charity organisations.

To empower more women and girls who can’t afford costly training, come forward and help them.
Your contribution will be tax-free.

It will help in empowering marginalised girls, which would eventually make our society more progressive and developed.

Donate here

Support Gyandeep for Empowering the Underprivileged Girls

Empowering Dreams: Supporting Gyandeep Vidyalaya's Journey to Educate Underprivileged Children

Support VJM for Empowering the Underprivileged

In the heart of Faridabad, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) is running two institutions.

Both are working tirelessly to uplift underprivileged children, girls, and women through education and skill development.

They are running under the names of Gyandeep Vidyalaya and Anand Dham Kaushal Vikas Kendra.

Both institutions represent hope, opportunity, and a brighter future for those who need it the most.

Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of these children and women striving for a better tomorrow.

Gyandeep Vidyalaya: A Hope for the Needy Children Since 2000

Gyandeep Vidyalaya was established in the year 2000 with a singular mission: to provide free, quality education to children from underprivileged backgrounds.

The school has grown over the years, and today, it teaches more than 1,100 girls and 300 boys.

These students come from some of the most marginalized sections of society, including ragpickers and daily wage labourers, whose families often struggle to make ends meet.

The school offers classes from nursery to the 8th grade, ensuring that these young minds receive a good educational foundation.

Not an ordinary school

Gyandeep Vidyalaya is not an ordinary school.

Understanding the financial constraints of their families, the school provides free uniforms, stationery, books, and bags.

The importance of nutrition in a child’s development is not overlooked.

Nutritious and hygienic mid-day meals are provided to every student, ensuring they are well-fed and able to focus on their studies.

These meals also motivate parents to send their children to school regularly.

This caring approach to education has transformed the lives of many students.

But the journey is far from over, and the school needs your help to continue its mission.

Donations can help sustain and expand these crucial programs, ensuring that more children have access to education, regardless of their background.

Anand Dham Kaushal Vikas Kendra: From Education to Employment

Complementing the efforts of Gyandeep Vidyalaya is the Kaushal Vikas Kendra.

The initiative was started in 2021 under the motto “Shiksha se Rojgar Tak” (From Education to Employment).

The center focuses on skill development for women, helping them become self-reliant and financially independent.

The center has already witnessed more than 400 women pass out, with a current strength of 50 trainees.

Kaushal Vikas Kendra offers courses in three sectors: beauty and wellness, computers and IT, and apparel.

These courses are certified by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), adding significant value to the training.

The center is proud to provide these courses free of cost, making them accessible to women from the most disadvantaged sections of society.

A centre with Top-Notch facilities

The facilities at Kaushal Vikas Kendra are top-notch.

All trainees are provided with free training equipment and kits, ensuring they have everything they need to excel in their chosen fields.

Upon completion of their training, they receive certificates, scholarships, and job placements, helping them secure employment and gain financial independence.

The impact of Kaushal Vikas Kendra on these women’s lives is remarkable.

Many of them have gone on to acquire jobs or start their own small businesses, achieving self-reliance and contributing to their families’ incomes.

This empowerment is not just about financial stability; it is about giving women the confidence and skills to shape their destinies.

However, like Gyandeep Vidyalaya, Kaushal Vikas Kendra also relies heavily on donations to continue its operations.

Your contributions can help more women gain access to these life-changing opportunities, enabling them to break free from the cycle of poverty and build a better future for themselves and their families.

Only You Can Help

Both Gyandeep Vidyalaya and Kaushal Vikas Kendra are doing extraordinary work, but they cannot do it alone.

They need the support of compassionate individuals like you.

By donating to these institutions, you are not just giving money; you are giving hope, education, and a future to children and women who would otherwise be deprived of these basic rights.

Your donation can help Gyandeep Vidyalaya provide more resources, expand its facilities, and reach even more children in need.

It can help Kaushal Vikas Kendra offer additional courses, improve its training facilities, and support more women in their journey toward self-reliance.

Imagine the difference your contribution can make—a girl child who becomes the first in her family to attend school, a woman who gains the skills to secure a job and support her family, or a society that begins to thrive because of the opportunities you helped create.

Come forward and support Gyandeep Vidyalaya and Kaushal Vikas Kendra

Any small contribution matters!

So, come forward and support VJM to sustain its efforts.

Together, we can build a future where education and empowerment are accessible to all, regardless of their background.

Your generosity can change lives.

Know more about and Donate for Kanya Atmbirbhar Abhiyan

This Diwali, be the Reason of Someone Else’s Celebration

“कितने भी दिए जला ले, रौशनी दिल के अंदर तभी पहुंचेगी, जब इंसान इंसान के काम आएगा!”


this diwali be the reason of someone else celebration

“No Matter How Many Lamps You Illuminate, The Light Enters The Heart Only When A Man Serves The Mankind.”

Diwali is auspicious in so many different ways and the celebrations fulfill humanity’s need for money, knowledge, and health. But Diwali is not just about self-fulfillment and self-enjoyment rather, it’s also about sharing joy with complete strangers and making them happy. Can we do something for underprivileged? Let’s celebrate this Diwali differently and make them happy.

This Diwali, take a few small steps and become the reason for someone else’s celebration. This is what you can do.

Support Small-Time Traders

During the festival time, support small-time traders, vendors, artists, and artisans who open shops around our vicinity. They sell earthen lamps, ethnic ornaments, candles, and other decorative items. Buy from them and be the reason for their ‘happy Diwali moments’.

Distribute Sweets Among Underprivileged Children

On Diwali, you’ll receive many gifts including sweets and dry fruit boxes from your loved ones. Instead of wasting them away, put them to noble use, and gift them to the underprivileged children. You cannot imagine the bliss that you would feel by doing this.

Charity Begins at Home, Truly

Sometimes we don’t need to go very far from home for doing something divine. Surprise your domestic helpers with a day off and some extra cash so that they can celebrate the festival with their family.

Don’t Forget the People Who Are on Road

Be appreciative of people who make your festivals and life safe and enjoyable. Be it a food delivery guy, a newspaper vendor or grocery wallah – you can gift them a box of sweets or a small tip as a token of deep gratitude.

Spend Time at an Old Age Home

Old age is really lonely for many elderly people during festivals as they miss their youth and also their loved ones during the time badly. You are well capable of elevating their mood by meeting them with a small box of sweets and some sweet talks. Hear out their experience and get immense love in return.

Be Concerned for Environment

This is the duty of everyone to feel a little bit accountable for the environment. Fortunately, now only green crackers are available in the market to fight air and noise pollution. Use only these crackers while celebrating Diwali and you can gift them to an orphaned child as well to make them enjoy their day.

Be Compassionate to Street Dogs & Birds

This is also crucial as any firecracker can affect street dogs, birds, and other animals to a great extent. Careless use of even green firecrackers can seriously injure and, sometimes, kill these animals. This is truly heartbreaking. Play with crackers in a responsible manner so that animals don’t get scared.
Whatever you do on Diwali, just keep this in your mind that no one shall feel any kind of pain because of you and you can become a reason for someone else’s celebration.

A Very Happy Diwali to all!

Sponsor a girl child today 👇

This Diwali, Along with Your Home Light up Someone’s Life | Sponsor a Girl Child

Gift a Dream Adopt a Child | Balkalyan Yojana

India accounts for the highest number of deaths of children under five years of age. Around 50% of such deaths caused mainly due to malnutrition and poor living conditions. According to the Unicef report, India accounts for 22% of the total under-five children death globally.

A child is a gift of God, born into certain circumstances, cultures, places, wealthy or poverty, with specific genetics, talents and drawbacks. No one has any control over these circumstances Life for a newborn baby is like a river with multiple tributaries branching out in different directions. And really, it’s a bit like that for all of us.

Joy of giving

Teaching a child ‘how to live’ is greater than just giving birth. Of course, nothing can replace the joy of giving birth, but still, some people throw away this blessing specially if it’s a girl child. Among the most unconventional reasons to adopt a child is the joy of giving love to those who are not so fortunate to get parents’ love. Adoption is not just good for the society, but for your well-being, as you feel deeply connected with your child and get to experience the blessing in disguise.

Joy of supporting a child

If it’s not always possible for a couple or for that matter for an individual to adopt a child due to any reason, you can always sponsor a child through NGOs or charitable societies. Thousands of children are living in poverty, and they are praying for their survival. Children growing up in poverty have to face many challenges: hunger, no education, limited access to medical services and social discrimination. But people like you can help these children get the basic necessities of life. It can be by sponsoring them for education or food. It will create lasting change in their lives and in communities.

No joy could be bigger than to see a child progressing because of your share of love and care that you extended. The kind of satisfaction is at par beautiful.

Joy of spreading happiness

We must come forward to help needy children not just for the welfare of these children, but also as a step towards ensuring our own betterment. Because our future depends on them! Adopt poor children and be their savior. Help them in whatever way you can as per your capacity, financially or even in kind. And if you can not help them financially, go and spend time with them. Making those children realize that they aren’t alone and that they have friends to be with, can make them joyful. Giving smiles and happiness serves the same way.

By adopting a ‘poor’ child and caring for him/her, you are filling up your ‘good karma‘. After all, children are a priceless gift from God that brings joy, pride and prosperity.

HH Maharajshri Says

Those children without parents are not alone, rather they are more fortunate because they are the children of God and so He named them ‘Devdoot‘.

Having the most kind and loving eye for these children, He introduced Devdoot Balkalyan Yojna, a special platform for the welfare of these children of God. Calling them orphans is strictly restricted in the Mission family. He has built several schools and balashrams specifically for these children and for those who are not able to fund their education and meals. He wants that each child must realize their capability at it’s best and shines bright.

Gift a Dream

You can ‘Gift a dream” to one or as many children you want. Gift them a dream of education, a dream of healthy food, a dream of progress and a dream of being successful in your capacity. Remember that Maharajshri says, ‘that each one of us should contribute 2% of our total income towards any social cause to bring fortune in our own life’.What better could be, than sponsoring a child’s education for a better future.

When each one of us will be determined to contribute towards the welfare of the society in whatever capacity we can, Satyug will return.

Donate: https://www.vishwajagritimission.org/donation/

They Need You! | Vishwa Jagriti Mission | Let’s Give Back to Society

They need you, lets give back to society

They Need You!

For a county that successfully managed to reduce poverty to some extent from 2011 to 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 came as a big shock. The pandemic hit India in 2020 when the country’s economy was working hard to gain some strength. The pandemic broke it so much that its impact is still visible in the form of job losses and a rise in poverty.

Pew Research Center, using World Bank data, has estimated that the number of poor in India has more than doubled in just a year due to the pandemic-induced recession. The study shows that the number of poor individuals — with earning less than $2 (Rs. 150) or less in a day — in India increased from 6 crores to 13.4 crores.

Due to this rise, India is back in a situation to be called a ‘country of mass poverty’.

This setback poses big challenges for our country in terms of malnutrition, mass unemployment and extreme poverty.

Now the question is, are we doing something to help these individuals. Are we thinking about these people or we are just involved in fulfilling our own needs?

Let’s Give Back to Society

You can help them by taking a pledge to give back to the society through your small efforts. Great philanthropists all over the world have spoken a great deal about giving back to society. They have also addressed the benefits of giving selflessly. It’s not very difficult to do that if you have intent.

Here’s how you can do it.

1. Support Them- society

You can help an Organization make a difference and provide aid to the needy in order to lead a dignified life.

There are many organizations in India that run regular food camps and shelters for those who cannot afford two square meals daily or basic health facilities. You can donate to these organizations and support various causes. Even the smallest of donations can make a big difference in the lives of many. These organizations run highly cost-efficient social programs, which are able to use the value of every rupee towards helping the poor.

Your small donation can make a huge difference, enabling the needy feel a sense of hope, fulfilment, and persistence.

2. Your Time is Also Money

Further, one of the best ways of giving back to society is donating your time at a non-governmental organization, school for the underprivileged, children shelter homes, old-age homes, etc. Your time is precious and gifting it without any expectation can make a world of difference in the lives of many needy individuals and organizations in these tough times.

3. Support Children in Need

Help children in need by volunteering with orphanages whose aim is to help improve the lives of poor children who have no one of their own. You can also arrange food and stationery for such children.

According to the reports, there are over 2 crore orphans in India; more than the total population of Sri Lanka. And it’s difficult at this time to come up with a realistic count of how many children are orphaned due to the COVID-19.

Our country is already making an effort to help these children yet struggling to help all of them. Let’s do our part by supporting orphanages who are taking care of such kids.

4. Show them Some Love

Volunteering at your local old-age home is also one of the noblest ways to give back to society. Your small gifts, during the festive season or just a visit can help prevent the feeling of isolation and depression among them. The seniors appreciate every gesture of compassion and love extended towards them.

5. Do not forget to motivate your family & friends

Your enthusiasm for helping the poor can definitely pass on to your children. You can take your children on regular trips to various organizations, to make them realize the impact of small donations. It will inspire them to take part in social work and help those in need. Let them understand that donating a small chunk of your earning is a major mood-booster that is hugely empowering the less privileged.

Thus, while you go on with your life fulfilling your responsibilities towards family, do not forget the society in which you live. It’s everybody’s duty to help those who are at the receiving end and for them do whatever you can.

Remember, they need you to survive, just be available for them.