They Need our Love, Care & Support | Balkalyan Yojana, Vishwa Jagriti Mission

They Need our Love, Care & Support

They Need our Love, Care & Support 

The notion of family and the presence of love in it are wonderful gifts from God. Love brings hope with it and it gives the courage to deal with challenges in life. And a family plays a powerful role in the overall growth of a child. But what about those children who have to live without any family? 

These children are at risk since they have lost one or both parents to violence, sickness, age, or some other tragic incidence. Their future depends only on their willpower and survival instinct. In a few cases, orphaned kids find support from shelter homes, but a majority of them end up living on the streets and facing unimaginable tragedies. These children need our love, care, and support. Can we do something for them? Is adoption the only way?

In fact, there could be many ways to provide these kids with support (other than adoption).

You May Sponsor, Volunteer and Donate Your Time

Adoption is certainly not the only way to help vulnerable children; sponsorship is also one of the ways. Families can sponsor orphans making it possible for them to receive clothing, food, medical care, education, and other essential amenities.  

Moreover, many social service organizations are working in India for this purpose. Search for volunteer opportunities with them. You can help them by giving professional advice regarding outreach activities, donation events, or by donating your time for some administrative work in their offices. Many child care institutions do not have a sufficient number of caregivers. You may work for them with VJM Balkalyan Yojana.

Protect Kids From Harm or Teach Them

Children are meant to be at school and not on the streets. Ensure that their rights are respected in your area and they don’t get involved in child labor. You can empower the marginalized kids through workshops so that they can raise their voice against harassment and abuse.

You can also help children acquire understanding about their learning skills because it is true that even the most marginalized girls and boys can learn if provided with the opportunity. You may help them reach organizations that provide early and basic education for street children.

Offer Monetary Help, If You Can

Social service organizations are often in need of money to carry out different welfare programs for such children. You can donate one-time money or offer donations on a yearly basis. You may also direct your money to a particular area of need, such as food, medical care or education. Look out for charities helping orphans in India, you will get many, but be cautious.

When donating directly to institutions stay alert and verify astutely how your donation will be used. Trustworthy organizations take good care of children and hold their orphanages accountable. Donate to one of such institutions for the real impact.

Ask Your Friends and Relatives to Involve in Caring Activities

There is no problem if you are unable to save money for donations. There are still other ways you can bring a difference to the life of needy children. Talk to your family, friends, and colleagues, and tell them that you want to help orphans. You may motivate them to take part in initiatives for helping them. Any meager help through you can change the life of a helpless child.

Vishwa Jagriti Mission and Care for Kids

Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM), under the guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi, has adopted many vulnerable kids as they are the ‘Children of God’ (Devdoot)

It is our supreme duty to share whatever we have in the form of food, education, and clothing and let them live a simple yet good life.

VJM is running a public school in Jharkhand’s violence-prone region, Khunti to teach tribal children whose lives have been devastated due to conflicts. Many children are getting prepared here to lead a decent life through a good education.

In Surat (Gujarat) and Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh), VJM runs ‘Devdoot Bal Ashram’ to ensure comfort and care for vulnerable kids. Here, they get free food, housing, and education. Now children from this Ashram are excelling in the fields of education and sports. This proves the importance of ‘support’ in the life of marginalized children.

Furthermore, in Faridabad, VJM’s Gyandeep School is teaching underprivileged children, many of whom were collecting garbage earlier. They get education, food, and housing for free here.

Final Thoughts

Remember, children living without any family are actually hanging by a thin thread and need small support to become a good citizen.  If you can, offer your love, care, and support for such children. Support organizations that are working for them, teach such children, or motivate fellow men to offer help to them. They are ‘Children of God’ and they deserve a civilized life.

Donate for Balkalyan Yojana

नववर्ष में स्वास्थ्य, सुख-समृद्धि और खुशहाली के लिये करें – नवप्रभात यज्ञ

नवप्रभात यज्ञ


यज्ञ अत्यंत पवित्र और श्रेष्ठ कर्म है सनातन धर्म का प्रत्येक शुभ कार्य, प्रत्येक पर्व-त्यौहार और संस्कार का शुभारम्भ यज्ञ से ही किया जाता है। पूज्य सद्गुरु श्रीसुधांशुजी महाराज वेदों की अमृत वाणी का यशोगान करते हुए कहते हैं कि ‘स्वर्ग कामो यजेत्’ अर्थात् मनुष्य को स्वर्ग के समान सुखों की कामना हो, नारकीय दुखों से छुटकारा पाने की इच्छा हो और जीवन को स्वस्थ, सुखी और समृद्ध बनाने की अभिलाषा हो तो उसे यज्ञ करना चाहिये। सनातन परंपरा में समस्त पूजा पद्धतियों में यज्ञ को अत्यंत महत्व दिया गया है। जब कोई पूजा काम नहीं आती तो कहा जाता है कि व्यक्ति को यज्ञ करना चाहिये। यज्ञ कामधेनु की तरह व्यक्ति की मनोकामनाओं को पूर्ण करने वाला परम साधन है।

महाराजश्री आगे कहते हैं कि अगर इस धरती पर भगवान श्रीराम का आगमन हुआ तो यज्ञीय प्रार्थना से हुआ। पुराणों में उल्लेख है कि जब राजा दशरथ ने अपने सद्गुरु ऋषि वशिष्ठ के सामने आंसू बहाकर कहा कि गुरुवर मेरे घर में संतान नहीं है मैं संतान चाहता हूं और मेरी कामना है कि भगवान ही मेरे घर में संतान का रूप धारण करके आ जायें। तब वशिष्ठ ऋषि ने कहा था कि पुत्रेष्टि यज्ञ करो और पुत्रेष्टि यज्ञ के लिये मन्त्र पाठ करने वाले ऋषि ऐसे हों जिनकी मन्त्र ध्वनि की तरंग पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड में फैल जाये। उस मन्त्र ध्वनि से नारायण प्रभु प्रभावित हों और यज्ञ धूम्र से धरती से लेकर द्यौलोक तक सुगंध छा जाये।

पुराणों में उल्लेख मिलता है कि जिनकी मन्त्र ध्वनि का अद्भुत प्रभाव था और जिनकी यज्ञीय विधि से तीनों लोक के देवी देवता प्रसन्न हो जायें वह ऋषि थे श्रृंगी। जब श्रृंगी ऋषि के बारे में ज्ञात हुआ तो श्रृंगी ऋषि के पास जाकर के निवेदन किया गया कि आप आइये और राजा दशरथ के पुत्रेष्टि यज्ञ को सम्पन्न कराने की कृपा कीजिये। श्रृंगी ऋषि ने राजा दशरथ के यहां यज्ञ सम्पन्न करवाया और यज्ञ के कृपा-प्रसाद के रूप में भगवान श्रीराम स्वयं राजा दशरथ के घर में प्रकट हुये। तो इससे समझा जा सकता है कि यज्ञ का मनुष्य के जीवन में कितना बड़़ा प्रभाव है, कितना लाभकारी है यज्ञ।

वेदों में प्रार्थना की गयी है ‘निकामे निकामे नः पर्जन्यो वर्षतु’ अर्थात् जब-जब हम कामना करें तो बादल वर्षा करें मतलब समय-समय पर वर्षा हो जिससे धरती धान्य से लहलहाती रहे, लोगों को प्रचुर मात्र में अन्न-धन की प्राप्ति हो, पर्यावरण की शुद्धि-संतुलन बना रहे। समय चाहे कैसा भी हो, काल विकराल रूप धारण कर ले फिर भी काल को सुकाल बनाने के लिये, प्रतिकूल समय को अनुकूल बनाने के लिये, रोग महामारी को दूर करने के लिये व्यक्ति को यज्ञ करना चाहिये।

यज्ञ की एक परम्परा है कि यज्ञ में जो भी आहुति दी जाती है तो वह कई गुणा बढ़कर पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड में उसकी सुगन्ध छा जाती है। अर्थात् यज्ञ अग्नि यज्ञ में किये हुए व्यय को कई गुणा बढ़ाकर यज्ञीय लाभ के रूप में वापस कर देती है। इसीलिए अग्नि को कहा गया है कि ‘‘अग्निर्वै मुखं देवानां’’ अर्थात् अग्नि देवी-देवताओं का मुख है। अग्नि में जो कुछ भी भेंट किया जाता है वह सब देवी-देवताओं को मिलता है और यज्ञ-आहुति से प्रसन्न होकर देवी-देवता अपनी कृपा बरसाते हैं। इसलिए देवी-देवताओं को प्रसन्न कर उनकी कृपा पाने के लिए हमें यज्ञ अवश्य करना चाहिए।

किसी भी कार्य के शुभारम्भ में सर्वश्रेष्ठ काल ब्रह्मवेला मानी जाती है। ब्रह्मवेला के सम्बन्ध में महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि उस समय प्रकृति मुक्त हाथों से स्वास्थ्य, सुख-शांति, धन-समृद्धि, यश-कीर्ति बांट रही होती है। ऐसे समय का जो सदुपयोग करता है, उसके जीवन में ये सभी तरह के वैभव भगवान की कृपा से प्राप्त होते हैं। प्रातःकाल ब्रह्मवेला में जो यज्ञ किया जाता है उसे ब्रह्मयज्ञ कहते हैं। नववर्ष की प्रथम जनवरी देखा जाय तो पूरे वर्ष की एकतरह से ब्रह्मवेला है।

नववर्ष को शुभमंगल और कल्याणकारी बनाने के उद्देश्य से प्रथम जनवरी को पूज्य गुरुवर श्री सुधांशु जी महाराज अपनी तपोभूमि आनन्दधाम आश्रम में भक्तों के लिए नवप्रभात यज्ञ अर्थात् ब्रह्मयज्ञ का आयोजन करवा रहे हैं। यह यज्ञ विश्व जागृति मिशन के तत्वावधान में युगट्टषि पूजा अनुष्ठान केन्द्र के विद्वान ब्राह्मणों द्वारा पूरे वैदिक विधि-विधान से सम्पन्न कराया जायेगा। यज्ञ नारायण भगवान की कृपा और गुरुवर के आशीष से यह नवप्रभात यज्ञ भक्तों की हर मनोकामना को पूर्ण करने वाला होगा।

नवप्रभात यज्ञ में यजमान बनने एवं यज्ञ सम्बन्धी अन्य जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए आप युगट्टषि पूजा अनुष्ठान केन्द्र के पदाधिकारियों से नीचे दिये गये सम्पर्क सूत्रें पर फोन कर सकते हैं। यह यज्ञ ऑनलाइन और स्वयं उपस्थित होकर दोनों विधियों से सम्पन्न कराया जायेगा।
केन्द्रीय एवं दिल्ली सरकार द्वारा जारी कोविड-19 के निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए आनन्दधाम आश्रम परिसर में आकर आप स्वयं यज्ञ में भाग ले सकते हैं। जो यजमान किन्हीं कारणोंवश स्वयं यज्ञ में भाग नहीं ले सकते वह ऑनलाइन यजमान बनकर मानसिक रूप से यज्ञ का लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते है। मानसिक पूजन और यज्ञ के सम्बन्ध में महाराजश्री कहते हैं कि मानसिक पूजन-यज्ञ में व्यक्ति भावनात्मक रूप से ईश्वर के अत्यन्त नजदीक हो जाता है। आप आनन्दधाम आश्रम में हो रहे नवप्रभात यज्ञ में ऑनलाइन जुड़कर घर बैठे यज्ञ में मानसिक रूप से आहुतियां दें, पूर्ण मनोयोग से आनन्दधाम में हो रहे यज्ञ में वहीं से भगवान को अपनी भावनाओं में बिठाकर स्वाहाकार करते हुए यज्ञ अर्चन करें। प्रभु आपकी हर मनोकामना पूर्ण करेंगे। यज्ञ में यजमान बनने के लिए अब समय बहुत कम है, शीघ्रता से अपना स्थान सुनिश्चित करवाने के लिए आप सम्पर्क करें |

Begin life Afresh! | New Year | Sudhansu Ji Maharaj

उद्धरॆत् आत्मना आत्मानं आत्मानम् अवसादयॆत्

One must uplift himself with his own mind and never invalidate himself.

स्वयं को पहचानते हुए स्वयं का उद्धार करें, हम कौन हैं, क्या हैं, और कैसे होने चाहिए

Happay New Year

Begin life Afresh! 

The year 2020 is ending and everyone is ready to start a New Year with new hopes and aspirations. To say life has been disturbing for the past 9 months is an understatement for sure. The time has been tough, and still, it is, for many people. Many are still dealing with job losses and critical financial issues. But this is also true that someday you’ll look back on all this and feel a sense of gratitude that you came out of all troubles despite grave challenges.

Indeed, with God everything is possible. Fulfill your duties, believe in your Karma, and keep moving ahead. Realize who you are, how you should be, and create a spirited life for yourself. And in the meantime, remain grateful, help those who are less privileged than you, and begin life afresh in 2021. 

Just declare with a firm determination that ‘2021 is going to be a refreshed start’ and pack your New Year with immense possibilities and achievements. Here’s how-

Start with Daily Prayers and meditation

Prayer is a means to express your thanks and gratitude to the Supreme Power for the divine blessings, successes, and pleasure bestowed on you. Prayers make you bold and fill you with confidence. Start your new year with a prayer of gratitude. 

One special empowering prayer that you can offer- 

O God, I don’t ask you to make my lifepath easy, rather make me capable so that I may walk the winding path of life with confidence. Bless me with wisdom and courage; May I do not waiver in any adverse situation.”

In the New Year, set aside some time daily to meditate and rejuvenate yourself. Meditate and be more mindful of your own self.

Respect Your Relationships

This is the perfect time to think about all the good things in your life, including your relationships. Express gratitude for all the positive aspects of your relationships and give respect to them.  After reflecting back, you may be surprised at how much you really have in the form of people who still love and support you. Just thinking about them will help you gain energy for dealing with challenges in 2021. 

Be Prepared for the Future, Now

When this pandemic hit, no one was ready, but still many people and companies bounced back. How? They learned from the crisis, they devised new ways of working and developed a new lifestyle. Now they are ready to face unprecedented happenings in the future. 

You can also prepare a list of what you didn’t have that you wished you had in advance before the pandemic’s arrival. It could be preparing in advance for financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. 

Learn how to develop a crisis plan and be ready for the future. 

Start Your New Year with Positive Affirmations

Of course, it may seem difficult to stay positive in these tough times. But still, we may grant ourselves permission to experience our deep emotions–positive and negative. Be Positive and practice affirmations daily: See the bright light shining upon you every day from now on. The world has changed a lot and you could reshape it and turn it into a better place for all.  Now is the time to be courageous and creative and step into a brighter future designed by you.

Break the Barriers

Identify the barriers and limitations that stop you from reaching your goals. If you do not analyze them then you will simply keep on walking around in circles and reach nowhere.  You may need to upgrade your skills in order to get a new job like learning a new language. Be innovative and creative, discover fresh ideas for earning money, and gain guidance from your Guru.

Wishing you a Happy and Blessed New Year.


Vishwa Jagriti Mission’s 5-day Gita Jayanti Samaroh concluded successfully

Gita Jayanti Samaroh

Under the holy guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) successfully concluded its 5-day virtual program on the Bhagavad Gita. Christened ‘Gita Jayanti Samaroh’, the event ended on 27 Dec 2020.  During the program, our Guru Ji and Didi Ji, along with eminent saints and leaders, shared their thoughts on the great book. All the dignitaries commended the dedication of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) for giving shape to such a beautiful and massive event on Gita.
A wide audience listened to saints and leaders via live streaming on various social media channels and Disha TV.

During the event, a special online program on the Bhagavad Gita was presented by the children of VJM’s Gurukul from 25th Dec to 27th Dec. On 23rd Dec, HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj & Dr. Archika Didi inaugurated the event with mantra chants and lighting of lamps.  On the first day of the event, Didi Maa Sadhvi Ritambhara Ji, Swami Shri Awdheshanand Giri Ji Maharaj, and Shri Kalraj Mishra Ji shared their views on the teachings of the scripture. While sharing their views, they said Gita is a crucial scripture that fills hearts with self-confidence. If you have Gita in your hand, you are ready to face any type of external or internal conflict. With Gita, all the dilemmas and dualities end.

On the 2nd day, Shri Krishna Chandra Shastri JI, Samarth Shri Trayambakeshwar Chaitanya Ji Maharaj, Shri Shyam Sundar Parashar Ji, Dr. Ashok Bajpai Ji, and Dr. Archika Didi, mesmerized the devout audience with discourses. While sharing views on the unending relevance of the divine text, they said the text is not just preaching, rather it is a live diary of Lord Krishna. Such deep knowledge of Karm, Yog, Gyan, renunciation, and selfless action cannot be found anywhere else.

Dr. Archika Didi further said Gita is the spiritual medicine for mankind that cures all types of problems. She gave a clarion call that the live song of God must be imbibed and applied in life.
On the 3rd day, Swami Shri Rajendra Das Ji Maharaj, Swami Shri Govind Dev Giri Ji Maharaj, Shri Swami Raghavacharya Ji Maharaj, Shri Morari Bapu Ji, and Dr. Archika Didi, kept the audience spellbound with divine talks.

On this day, they shared their views on the significance of observing Gita Jayanti.

The eminent saints said, Gita Jayanti is a ‘Global Day’ and so this event by VJM is of great importance. They said a single Bhagavad Gita is enough for the welfare of the entire mankind. Gita is the gist of all Upanishads and men having a high intellect can realize its mysticism which is sung by the Yogeshwar Krishna Himself.

HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj further blessed the audience with his views and wished everyone on the pious occasion of Gita Jayanti. On the 4th day, Swami Shri Chidanand Saraswati Ji, Swami Shri Prakhar Ji Maharaj, Swami Shri Devendranand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, Shri Hriday Narayan Dikshit Ji, and Dr. Archika Didi Ji detailed the intricacies of The Bhagavad Gita.

The eminent saints and leaders said, in India, Gita is considered the epitome of the highest knowledge as it is the confluence of all possible schools of philosophy. It is not just a war book rather it also gives the message of global peace. Generally, it is tough for a man to attain the ‘State of Yog’ but Lord Krishna has made it easy by showing the amazing way of Karm Yog through Gita. Further, HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj talked about the subtleties in Gita’s philosophy. On the 5th and final day of Gita Jayanti Samaroh, Dr. Pranav Pandya Ji, Swant Ranjan Ji, Shri Gyan Chand Ji Maharaj, Swami Shri Narendranand Sarswati JI Maharaj, Dr. Dinesh Sharma Ji, and Dr. Archika Didi Ji discussed the ultimate beauty of The Bhagavad Gita. At the end of the event, Maharjshri congratulated all for taking part in Gita Jayanti Samaroh and showered His blessings upon everyone.

Vishwa Jagriti Mission to organize Brahma Yagya on 1st Jan 2021

Vishwa Jagriti Mission to organize Brahma Yagya on 1st Jan 2021

Yagya is Necessary for the Inner Power


With the blessings of HH Sudhanshu ji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) is going to organize a Yagya on New Year’s day. The auspicious ‘Brahma Yagya’ will be held at the premises of Anand Dham Ashram, Delhi on 1st Jan 2021, from 09:00 am to 10:00 am. Devotees may take part in the Yagya via social media live streaming and begin their New Year with positive energy.

A few devotees can visit the premises also for taking part in the grand event. However, they have to follow the covid-19 guidelines issued by the central and Delhi Govt.  After the Yagya- 10:00 am onwards- devotees will get the opportunity to hear discourses by Maharajshri and Didi Ji and relish soulful devotional songs.  Sing with bliss and fill your life with beautiful moments of devotion. The sound of devotional music and the angelic voice of the Guru will nourish the whole universe and in return, you will receive blessings and love from Paramātmā.

Yagya is Necessary for the Inner Power

Yagya helps a man in gaining strength and blessings.  For a happy, prosperous and blessed life strength is needed on two levels- physical & mental. To achieve this strength, your body, mind and soul must work in a well-coordinated way. Yagya is an action that takes you out of all discomforts of life and gives you desirable energy to make that happen.  Yagya also makes you boundless by purifying your life, mind and action that eventually results in the divine blessings of Guru and Paramātmā.

Yagya is a Vital Part of Life

Yagya is an integral part of life. Through Yagya we say thanks to God for his kind blessings. Mantra chanted in the Yagya have soul-soothing powers and they remove all negativity from our body, mind, soul and also the environment. Moreover, Yagya gives us the energy to resolve problems related to health, finance, career & relationships.

Conundrum of Skill development

Conundrum of Skill development

The human capital is key to the growth of any country. India is standing at the stage where 65% of its population is below the age bracket of 35 years and 50% of its population below 25 years. This demographic window creates a unique opportunity for the economic growth of a nation and individuals in particular. However, this demographic dividend is a dual-edged sword. If utilized in a better way, by creating opportunities for livelihood; it can pay dividends else it could become an obstacle in the growth of a nation.

Skill development is a key strategy to realize this short window of demographic dividend which is available to us. The success of government efforts like Digital India, Skill India, and Smart Cities will majorly depend upon the education and skill level of its people. However, in the current scenario, India has 487 million workers and over a million join the labor force every month. The latest India skill Report indicates that only about 47% coming out of educational institutions are employable. This shows there is a huge mismatch in skill demanded and supplied. Despite there are many initiatives taken by both the public and private sector, many challenges in the skill development landscape still exist. Some of the challenges as follows:

Technology and Skills

The skill development landscape is quite dynamic. With technological evolution like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, etc.; the nature of skill demanded also evolving with time. Industry 4.0 is moving towards automation and the skills required will be different from what is needed today or earlier. That generates a fear about the employability of the existing workforce, especially in small and medium industries. So designing a skill development ecosystem according to the evolving technological needs of industry is a must. Much emphasis should be given on reskilling and upskilling the existing employed manpower could be one way out to keep the existing workforce relevant.

Social Attitude towards skilling

Social attitude towards blue-collar jobs is another obstacle to skill development. The acceptance of vocational courses vis-a-vis the educational courses is still low. Generally, it has been seen that the acceptability of vocational courses like a welder, plumber, electrician, etc is low among the students and the parents. To break this societal notion, children in school must be sensitized that no work is inferior. Gradually awareness campaigns can be extended to parents and other stakeholders.

Organized sector and apprenticeship

In India, the formally trained workforce stands at 4.63% which is very low if we compare the numbers in Germany where a trained workforce is 75%, and in South Korea, the percentage stands at 96%. Through Apprenticeship, rules are very much relaxed now and greater emphasis has been given to apprenticeship. Since the organized sector is very small, an apprenticeship boost up will take time. GST and other initiatives have started the formalization process but still have a long way to go. At the same time, the rejuvenation of the ITIs will shoot in the arm of the skill development initiative.

Placements of trained people

Since there is no direct link between the training partner (selected by the government) and industry. This led to the creation of a gap in skill demanded by industry and skill supplied. Result in this, training partners complain about not having enough jobs for placements. On the other hand, the industry complains about not having enough people to meet their requirements.

To conclude, India has a huge demographic advantage vis-a-vis many developed countries; where the share of the aged population is very high. At the same time, if we look at China, the demographic structure has also changed a lot of post-one-child policy. This creates an opportunity for us to become a global supplier of a skilled workforce. Towards achieving this objective of nation-building, Anand Dham Trust envisions to work towards empowering the disempowered section of the society. So that they can live with dignity and contribute meaningfully to the growth of the country.

Top 5 Reasons to Give What You Have | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Top 5 Reasons to Give What You Have

‘ When you learn, teach. When you get, give.’ 

Maya Angelou

For the majority of mankind, winters mean putting on beautiful woolen clothes, lying in warm rooms, and having hot beverages. But for people on the streets, it’s a constant fight with the ruthless weather and a brutal question of survival.

Unsurprisingly, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)’s recent data reflects a nerve-wracking trend. It shows that cold waves killed more Indians than heatwaves since 1980. Moreover, according to IMD, many North Indian cities, including Delhi, are continually witnessing ‘severe cold’ days as the minimum temperature sometimes drops to 4 degrees Celsius. Certainly, the coming few days (Dec-Jan) would be really struggling for a large number of street dwellers.

Can we do something about it? 

We usually say that hundreds and thousands of people die of cold every year, but we don’t understand that they die because they don’t have blankets and woolen clothes. 

Needless to say that we can bring a difference in their life effortlessly.

We can offer blankets directly to the needy by visiting their area or shelter homes (night shelters) or we can consult the organizations that are involved in social work. Giving in itself is a divine virtue and it ultimately leads to many nice outcomes.

Top Five Reasons to Give

  1. The Small Gesture of ‘Giving’ Has a Big Impact

While discussing the sufferings of the underprivileged, many people feel profound sorrow and think that there is nothing we can do about the situation as we are not rich. 

But here, you don’t need to be a millionaire to make a significant difference in someone’s life. 

Search and you will find many opportunities wherein you can offer a meager amount and offer help to someone who is struggling to survive during the winter season.

  1. 1.Giving Can Save Lives

Winter mortality is a problem that can be easily solved through warm blankets. Timely interventions can break the cycle of winter deaths. 

You can buy blankets yourself and distribute them among the needy or you may share your warmth through the organizations that run drives to help the people on the streets.

Your small offering can really save someone’s life.

  1. Giving Brings Happiness

Giving to others is directly linked with an increased sense of contentment and happiness. Many kinds of research have proved that. 

Experience the pleasure of giving by seeing your money being utilized for a noble cause.

  1. Let’s Make a Healthy World for All 

There is no better gift than offering blankets to the needy during the harsh winter season. Millions of street dwellers experience the bitterness of winter and fall sick. This year, a pandemic has made their situation even more challenging.

A simple blanket can keep them healthy all through the season and this is the right time to serve humanity by donating blankets. 

There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than ensuring good health for those who really need care.

  1. Realize That You Care

Life can get really busy sometimes and we forget to show our gratitude for everything given to us by the Almighty. 

Moreover, due to various indulgences, we hardly get a chance to experience our own caring spirit.

So, whenever you get a chance, just give and see how rewarding it is for you. 

Blanket Donation Drive by Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Every winter, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM), under the guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi organizes blanket donation drives across India. 

The idea is to provide good quality blankets to underprivileged people living on the streets. 

Anyone who wants to be a part of the noble drive can get in touch with VJM and experience the pleasure of giving.

Come, be a part of the drive!

Gita Jayanti Samaroh 2020 | New Delhi | Vishwa Jagriti Mission

Gita Jayanti Samaroh


Gita Jayanti Samaroh


Vishwa Jagriti Mission, New Delhi to hold 5-day Gita Jayanti Samaroh Get ready to be mesmerized by the timeless teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) under the divine guidance of HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj and Dr. Archika Didi, is going to conduct a 5-day Online program on the Bhagavad Gita.

Our Guru Ji and Didi Ji, along with other renowned saints and personalities, will share their thoughts on the relevance of the Gita in our day-to-day life, how its verses encompass each and every facet of life and how can we build a life force with the help of that we can surmount any challenge in life.
Guest of the Programme

Discourses by HH Sudhanshuji Maharaj, Dr. Archika Didi, and eminent saints including- Swami Shri Rajendra Das Ji Maharaj (Vrindavan), Swami Shri Govind Dev Giri Ji Maharaj (Maharashtra), Swami Shri Narendranand Saraswati Ji Maharaj (Kashi), Shri Swami Raghavacharya Ji Maharaj (Ayodhya), Swami Shri Chindanand Saraswati Ji (Uttarakhand), Dr. Pranav Pandya Ji (Haridwar), Swami Shri Awdheshanand Giri Ji Maharaj (Haridwar), Shri Gyananad Ji Maharaj (Vrindavan), Sadhvi Ritambhara, Didi Maa (Vrindavan), Swami Shri Ashutoshanand Ji Maharaj (Haridwar), Shri Krishna Chandra Shastri (Mathura), Samarth Shri Trayambakeshwar Chaitanya Ji Maharaj (Kashi), Shri Shyam Sundar Parashar Ji (Vrindavan), Shri Devendranand Saraswati Ji Maharaj (Sitapur, UP) and Pundrik Ji Maharaj (Vrindavan).

Also, listen to the views of eminent political leaders including-

Shri Rajnath Singh Ji (Defense Minister, Government of India), Shri Kalraj Mishra Ji (Honourable Governor), Shri Hriday Narayan Dikshit Ji (Speaker, Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly), Dr. Dinesh Sharma Ji (Dy. Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh), and Dr. Ashok Vajpayee Ji (Member of Parliament).
Date and Timings
23 Dec to 27 Dec
Evening 4.00 PM to 6.00 PM
Platform/Medium Live streaming on Facebook/YouTube/Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj and Disha TV
Special Programme on the Bhagavad Gita Along with the views of special speakers, a special online program on the Bhagavad Gita will be presented by the children of Our Gurukul from 25th Dec to 27th Dec in the afternoon from 12.00 PM to 1.00 PM.

Live streaming on Facebook/YouTube/Yugrishi Pooja Evam Anushthan Kendra and Disha TV


खोजें अपनी खोई ज़िंदगी | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

खोजें अपनी खोई ज़िंदगी

खोजें अपनी खोई ज़िंदगी

यदि हम जिन्दगी को महत्वपूर्ण बनाना चाहते हैं, तो इसके अंदर जो सोई हुई ऊर्जा है उसे जगाना होगा। जगाने के लिए जिन्दगी गुजारनी नहीं, जिन्दगी जीनी पड़ती है। बहुत से लोग दुनिया में इस तरह के हैं, जो 20-22 साल तक की ही उल्लास भरी जिन्दगी जी पाते हैं, उसके बाद सांस लेने वाले मुर्दे बनकर जीते हैं, जबकि उनका अंतिम संस्कार 70-80 साल की उम्र में जाकर होता है। ऐसा इसलिए होता है, क्योंकि उनकी जिन्दगी कहीं खो जाती है, जिन्दगी का होश चला जाता है। जिन्दगी के खोने का मूल कारण बनता है उसका मैं। वास्तव में जो व्यक्ति अपने को खोकर अपनी ‘‘मैं’’ का प्रदर्शन करने में लग जाते हैं, उनकी जिन्दगी जीवन से गायब हो जाती है।

   इसलिए जब कोई व्यक्ति जीवन के बोझ से मुक्त होने के लिए परमात्मा के मार्ग पर चलने के लिए अग्रसर होता है, संत-गुरु के सान्निध्य में आता है, तो उसे प्रदर्शन नहीं दर्शन की ओर यात्र शुरू करनी पड़ती है, वासना को उपासना की ओर, चिंता को चिन्तन की ओर मोड़ना पड़ता है। जिससे वह अपनी जिन्दगी से जुड़ सके। जीवन से जुड़कर ही आध्यात्मिक यात्र की शुरुआत मानी जाती है। इस माध्यम से व्यक्ति का विषाद-प्रसाद में, तीव्र इच्छा शक्ति संकल्पों में और जीवन के कर्म-सुकर्म में, आचरण-सदाचरण में, विचार-सद्विचार और उसके पद-सुपद में, संगति सुसंगति में बदलने लगती है। यह आध्यात्मिक यात्र की शुरुआत भी है और जीवन को खोजने का व्यावहारिक विज्ञान भी।

   कई साधक कहते सुने जाते हैं कि हम कैसे मानें भगवान के करीब पहुंचे हैं, उसकी कृपा के पात्र बन रहे हैं। नियम निभाते-निभाते, माला जपते-जपते असंख्य दिन हो गये, पर कुछ बात बनी कि नहीं बनी कैसे पता लगे? ऐसे सोचने वालों के लिए हम एक ही बात कहेंगे कि उन्होंने केवल बाहरी कर्मकाण्ड पर ध्यान दिया है। यदि वास्तव में जीवन को खोजना चाहते होंगे, तो सोचने का, अनुभूति का तरीका ही बदलना पड़ेगा। वास्तव में यह सब करते हुए जब किसी दुःखी को देखकर तुम्हारा हृदय पिघलने लग जाये और दूसरों की पीड़ा अपनी पीड़ा बन जाये, दुष्टता के सामने जब सिर उठाने और सज्जनों के सामने सिर झुकाने का विचार आने लगे अपने हिस्से में से दूसरों को देने के लिए मन तड़पने लगे, तो समझ लें कि परमात्मा की कृपा होने लगी है। जिन्दगी भी पकड़ में आने लगी है। जिसके जीवन से ये श्रेष्ठ सेवा, करुणामय भाव जुड़ने लगे, समझें उसके साथ उसका परमात्मा शामिल हो गया। तब परमात्मा की अनन्त शक्तियां-अनुभूतियां भी प्रवेश करने लगेंगी। जिन्दगी भी उसी क्षण बदलने व पकड़ में आने लगती है। आइये! हम सब अपनी जिन्दगी की खोज में लगें।


Save Energy Save Future | Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj

Save Energy Save Future

Save Energy Save Future

Our ancient Indian scriptures have elaborated arrangements on the environment. The deities mentioned in the Rig Veda like Mitra, Varuna, Marut, Indra, and Aditya are responsible for the balanced functioning of the environment. People during ancient times were cautious to perform such actions that could cause harm to nature. Even today, many tribes in India worship forest & nature and conserve it. But it seems, this ancient wisdom to maintain a balance between human activities and nature, has faded away with time. The testimony of this statement can be found that humans have come to this stage, where the future of their own and his coming generation, is at stake. Problems like global warming which causes climate change is the biggest threat humanity can face. And the biggest contributor to climate change is carbon dioxide, which is generated from the indiscriminate use of fossil fuels like coal, petrol diesel, etc. We have a limited amount of energy resources at our disposal. Indiscriminate use of finite energy resources has not only made climate change imminent but also there is a big question mark about what we are going to leave for our future generation.

Worldwide, the governments and private sector are coming together to find solutions to conserve the energy resources and form strategies to use clean & continuous energy resources so that the threat of global warming can be minimized and we can use our energy resources in a sustainable way. Governments around the world are now focusing more on using renewable energy resources rather than fossil fuels to conserve energy. European Union aims to make carbon-neutral by 2050. Similarly, the Indian government also launched the National Solar Mission, under which the target is to achieve around 100GW of solar energy by 2022.

Towards this Global and national objective, Vishwa Jagriti Mission under the vision and guidance of his holiness Shri Sudhanshu ji maharaj, has installed Solar Panels in most of its Ashrams. For example, Anand Dham ashram in New Delhi has installed a solar energy capacity of 286 KW. This has not only benefited in monetary terms but more importantly, carbon footprints generation also minimized contributing in the nation-building process.  Apart from this, many tree plantation drives have organized to increase the tree cover.

However, energy conservation efforts can’t be said to be completed without individual efforts. If as an individual, we start taking the small steps like those who can ride bicycles if they are going a small distance, using energy-efficient equipment and appliances or even for that matter if we start developing a habit to maintain the green spaces near us like parks, switching off electrical and electronic equipment when in no use, etc. This has positive effects in terms of a clean atmosphere but the greater benefit is, we will start building a bridge between human and nature, where both can exist.

Towards the end, As already mentioned above, some of the resources that we use are finite. According to the report by UNEP’s International Resource Panel, by 2050, human beings could devour an estimated 140 billion tons of minerals, ores, fossil fuels and biomass per year and in the same report warned out that the world was already running out of cheap and sources of some essential materials such as oil, copper and gold. We have to use our resources judiciously so that we can leave enough resources for future generations. As Mahatma Gandhi ji said

“The Earth has enough resources for our needs but not for our greed.”

– M.K. Gandhi