Support Gyandeep for Empowering the Underprivileged Girls

Empowering Dreams: Supporting Gyandeep Vidyalaya's Journey to Educate Underprivileged Children

Support VJM for Empowering the Underprivileged

In the heart of Faridabad, Vishwa Jagriti Mission (VJM) is running two institutions.

Both are working tirelessly to uplift underprivileged children, girls, and women through education and skill development.

They are running under the names of Gyandeep Vidyalaya and Anand Dham Kaushal Vikas Kendra.

Both institutions represent hope, opportunity, and a brighter future for those who need it the most.

Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of these children and women striving for a better tomorrow.

Gyandeep Vidyalaya: A Hope for the Needy Children Since 2000

Gyandeep Vidyalaya was established in the year 2000 with a singular mission: to provide free, quality education to children from underprivileged backgrounds.

The school has grown over the years, and today, it teaches more than 1,100 girls and 300 boys.

These students come from some of the most marginalized sections of society, including ragpickers and daily wage labourers, whose families often struggle to make ends meet.

The school offers classes from nursery to the 8th grade, ensuring that these young minds receive a good educational foundation.

Not an ordinary school

Gyandeep Vidyalaya is not an ordinary school.

Understanding the financial constraints of their families, the school provides free uniforms, stationery, books, and bags.

The importance of nutrition in a child’s development is not overlooked.

Nutritious and hygienic mid-day meals are provided to every student, ensuring they are well-fed and able to focus on their studies.

These meals also motivate parents to send their children to school regularly.

This caring approach to education has transformed the lives of many students.

But the journey is far from over, and the school needs your help to continue its mission.

Donations can help sustain and expand these crucial programs, ensuring that more children have access to education, regardless of their background.

Anand Dham Kaushal Vikas Kendra: From Education to Employment

Complementing the efforts of Gyandeep Vidyalaya is the Kaushal Vikas Kendra.

The initiative was started in 2021 under the motto “Shiksha se Rojgar Tak” (From Education to Employment).

The center focuses on skill development for women, helping them become self-reliant and financially independent.

The center has already witnessed more than 400 women pass out, with a current strength of 50 trainees.

Kaushal Vikas Kendra offers courses in three sectors: beauty and wellness, computers and IT, and apparel.

These courses are certified by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), adding significant value to the training.

The center is proud to provide these courses free of cost, making them accessible to women from the most disadvantaged sections of society.

A centre with Top-Notch facilities

The facilities at Kaushal Vikas Kendra are top-notch.

All trainees are provided with free training equipment and kits, ensuring they have everything they need to excel in their chosen fields.

Upon completion of their training, they receive certificates, scholarships, and job placements, helping them secure employment and gain financial independence.

The impact of Kaushal Vikas Kendra on these women’s lives is remarkable.

Many of them have gone on to acquire jobs or start their own small businesses, achieving self-reliance and contributing to their families’ incomes.

This empowerment is not just about financial stability; it is about giving women the confidence and skills to shape their destinies.

However, like Gyandeep Vidyalaya, Kaushal Vikas Kendra also relies heavily on donations to continue its operations.

Your contributions can help more women gain access to these life-changing opportunities, enabling them to break free from the cycle of poverty and build a better future for themselves and their families.

Only You Can Help

Both Gyandeep Vidyalaya and Kaushal Vikas Kendra are doing extraordinary work, but they cannot do it alone.

They need the support of compassionate individuals like you.

By donating to these institutions, you are not just giving money; you are giving hope, education, and a future to children and women who would otherwise be deprived of these basic rights.

Your donation can help Gyandeep Vidyalaya provide more resources, expand its facilities, and reach even more children in need.

It can help Kaushal Vikas Kendra offer additional courses, improve its training facilities, and support more women in their journey toward self-reliance.

Imagine the difference your contribution can make—a girl child who becomes the first in her family to attend school, a woman who gains the skills to secure a job and support her family, or a society that begins to thrive because of the opportunities you helped create.

Come forward and support Gyandeep Vidyalaya and Kaushal Vikas Kendra

Any small contribution matters!

So, come forward and support VJM to sustain its efforts.

Together, we can build a future where education and empowerment are accessible to all, regardless of their background.

Your generosity can change lives.

Know more about and Donate for Kanya Atmbirbhar Abhiyan

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